Royal Fake Fiance (Dirty Royals #4) - Vivian Wood Page 0,92

today, as Pippa climbs the steps and takes my hand, I feel like all my dreams are coming true. I lift the delicate veil off her face, pushing it back a little. Pippa looks up at me, tears shining in her eyes, and she just looks so fucking beautiful. It takes my breath away.

The minister keeps our ceremony short and simple. We hold hands and recite our vows to each other. The minister pronounces us husband and wife and suggests that I kiss my bride.

I grab Pippa's waist, pulling her in and dipping her back for a dramatic kiss. I can feel her smile.

It matches my own, I am certain.

I offer Pippa my arm, cocking a brow. “Are you ready, Mrs. Løve?”

Her cheeks go pink but she beams up at me, ridiculously happy. “Yes, your highness.”

I grin at that. “You know, you are now the Duchess of Marion. And your children will be titled too,” I remind her.

She looks me dead in the eyes and utters the words I most need to hear. “I couldn’t really care less about the title, Lars. You’re the only one I care about.”

I kiss her on the lips, jubilant. She takes my arm and I lead her down the steps, the following a procession made of my family.

Afterward, we toast our vows at an upscale brunch. Pippa insisted on picking a restaurant for the reception, such as it is. So soon I am pushing in her chair at a white linen table set for eight, looking around the brightly lit space. Pippa beams at me as I take my seat beside her, incredibly excited about everything.

“So? What do you think?”

Finding her hand under the table, I give it a squeeze. “You have to be more specific, love.”

She wrinkles her nose at me. “I know that you didn't want this small of a ceremony…”

I chuckle. “No, I didn't have any feelings about even having a ceremony. Honestly, I thought that I would never get married. Obviously, I was wrong.”

She wiggles her eyebrows at me. “You were. I forgive you, though.”

All the family that we invited finds their seats around us, chatting amongst each other for a moment. Everyone gets a flute full of champagne or sparkling cider. The food has already been ordered so we all just sit back and relax.

Stellan stands up, bringing a knife to the rim of his glass, calling for a toast. He raises his champagne flute. “To the bride and groom! May you live a long and happy life together.”

“Hear, hear!” everyone agrees.

Margot pushes up out of her chair, cupping her pregnant belly. She also raises her glass, looking at Pippa and I. Tears shimmer in her eyes as she smiles broadly at us. “It was a long time coming. But that doesn't make it any less special. I'm glad that you two found your happily ever after. I wish you all the best.”

Pippa wipes at her eyes, blowing Margot a kiss. I glance at the faces around the table, faces of the people that I hold dearest, and I feel like the luckiest man on earth.



I reach behind my body as I step out of the airport’s cargo terminal, needing reassurance. Luckily Lars is right there, grabbing my hand and giving it a kiss. He is always right beside me when I need him, a solid presence. Today of all days, I cling to him.

“I know you’re anxious, little witch,” he says. “But you’ve got no reason to be nervous. The doctor said that you being stressed is bad for the baby. So just breathe.”

I wrinkle my nose. “I know. I'm just not sure I'm ready for this, you know?”

Lars pulls me close, kissing the top of my head. “It will be okay. You'll see.”

Holding my hand, he leads me over to the waiting SUV, putting me in the back seat. As we pull out of the airport, I look at the city of Paris looming in the distance. Against a steel gray sky, it is a dark shape, taking up more and more of the horizon as we approach it.

This was where my little sister Stella finally agreed to meet me. I press my palm against the window, frowning at the darkening sky. It starts to rain a little, giant fat drops from above. I do my best to breathe instead of tensing up my entire body, but I know that my blood pressure is higher than the doctor would like.

As we make our way into the city, Copyright 2016 - 2024