Roses Are Red - Miranda Rijks Page 0,93

for years, and I just can’t fathom it.’

‘People change. They get greedy.’ He shifts onto his side away from me. ‘What’s Marianne like?’

‘She used to be brassy, ballsy, a hoot. She married Ajay when she was twenty-three. Over the years she mellowed, became more sophisticated. It’s like she reinvented herself, morphing from an unqualified hairdresser from the rough part of town into the posh wife of a successful businessman. I used to like her. She said it as it was, and I thought she was the perfect partner for Ajay.’

‘Like you are for me.’ Patrick grins.

‘She was the homemaker who just let him get on with whatever work he needed to do. And he spoiled her. Over the years, her wardrobe changed from Etam and Dorothy Perkins to Net-A-Porter’s finest. She liked to spend Ajay’s money, that’s for sure. I saw less of her as the years went by. Perhaps just two or three times a year at Cracking Craft’s Christmas party, and again in the summer when they used to organise a BBQ for their friends. Occasionally, we’d have them over for dinner, but I think Marianne used to feel a bit left out. After all, she was the only one of us who didn’t work in the business.’

‘There must have been something alluring about her; otherwise Adam wouldn’t have been having an affair with her.’

I harrumph.

‘And their marriage, did you get any hint as to what it was like?’

‘No. Ajay never said anything, and I didn’t see Marianne by herself. I suppose she’s the only person who really knows Ajay’s state of mind.’

Patrick is silent for a moment, and then he turns on his side to face me. ‘I think you should go and talk to her.’

‘What! No. I don’t want to lay eyes on her ever again.’

‘Think about it, Lydia. You want to find out the truth about what Ajay has been up to and what he’s planning. Marianne is the only person who’ll be able to tell you.’

‘I can’t talk to her. She was sleeping with Adam.’

‘I know. But things have moved on since then.’

‘She’s hardly going to say, yes, I think my husband killed my lover, is she?’

‘Perhaps not, but you will definitely get an insight into her relationship and find out about Ajay’s state of mind. She’s the only person who might be able to resolve things.’

After a short while, Patrick’s breathing slows down, but for me, sleep seems far away.

The more I think about it, the more I realise that Patrick might be right. Marianne is the only one who can help us sort out this mess. She’s the very last person I want to see, but it will be worth it if we can get some sort of resolution. And she owes me. Back at Adam’s funeral, she was begging me for forgiveness.

Unsurprisingly, once again, I can’t sleep. I take a sleeping pill, but two hours later I am wide awake.


‘I’ll do it,’ I say to Patrick, as I’m wearily clearing away the breakfast things.

He peers at me over the top of the newspaper. ‘Really? You’ll meet up with Marianne?’

I nod.

‘Good decision,’ he says. ‘The police have come up with nothing. We’ve waited quite long enough.’

‘I think you’re right. I’ve been so angry with her for having an affair with Adam, I’ve never listened to her side of the story. Adam was no saint, and Marianne wasn’t his first affair. But if they really loved each other, then I guess she’s hurting, too. She’ll know in her heart of hearts if her husband killed her lover. I’m going to look her in the eye and ask her if Ajay killed Adam.’

‘She’s hardly going to admit it, Lydia. I think that’s naïve. You need to come up with some good questions you can ask her.’

‘We’ve got to get a resolution. This situation doesn’t just affect me – us!’ I wave my hands around. ‘It affects everyone who works for me. I’m not sleeping, and it’s making me ill. My business is going down the drain, and if that happens, my staff will lose their jobs and we’ll lose all of this. This wealth and high standard of living, which you seem to enjoy ever so much!’

I know that last sentence was totally uncalled for; I regret it the moment the words slip from my lips. This is all getting too much for me and I’m taking it out on the people I love the most.

Patrick slams his mug onto the table, and coffee Copyright 2016 - 2024