Roses Are Red - Miranda Rijks Page 0,66

to have a conversation with Ajay. Perhaps ask him to step away for a few weeks, just until things settle down a bit more.’

‘I can’t run the business without him. It’s too big.’

‘Darling, your safety is more important than the business. Just think about it.’

And I do. I can’t sleep. If Ajay found out that Marianne and Adam were having an affair, he could have killed Adam to get him out of the way. He and Adam had been clashing for months about the business, so it would have suited Ajay to ‘get rid of’ Adam. He would have known that I would never boot my own husband, even if we were getting divorced.

And now… perhaps he does want sole control of Cracking Crafts? Perhaps he’s undermining me and setting me up for failure? Or worse, perhaps he’s considering killing me as well. When Patrick rolls over in bed and throws a heavy leg over mine, I snuggle up closer to him. Thank goodness for Patrick. He makes me feel safe.

Mia comes down for breakfast still in her pyjamas and dressing gown.

‘You’ll need to get dressed,’ I say. ‘You’ll have to come into work with me for the next few days.’

‘Why can’t I stay here? I’m nearly sixteen.’

‘And you’ve been suspended for smoking dope. That doesn’t exactly make you trustworthy in my eyes,’ I say.

She scowls. ‘I’ve got schoolwork to do. I’m not going to be lounging around in front of the telly or going out to meet my dealer.’

‘Dealer?’ I hold my mug of coffee in mid-air.

‘Chill, Mother! I’m only joking. I don’t have a bloody dealer. Some boy at school gave it to me because I was feeling shit. He was just trying to be nice. Said it’d make me feel better.’

‘Oh, Mia, I know you’ve been feeling rubbish, and that’s why we need you to talk to a counsellor. I’ve been saying that for a while, and Mrs Kenner suggested it, too. It’s been a horrible few months. But I’m not leaving you here alone. You can bring your work and sit in the boardroom. Ok? And if you get bored, I’m sure Nicky can find some things for you to help out with.’

Mia has always had a soft spot for my secretary, Nicky. She thinks she’s cool, probably because we let slip years ago that she’s an ex-convict.

Patrick strides into the kitchen. He’s wearing a suit and tie. ‘I have a meeting in Brighton later, but I’ve got time to come with you to your office first. We’ll need to go in separate cars.’

‘Ok,’ I say reluctantly. I’m still not sure that it’s a good idea to confront Ajay. Mia plonks her crockery in the sink. I don’t have the energy to tell her to put it straight into the dishwasher.

‘You don’t sound convinced,’ Patrick says quietly. ‘Remember what I told you yesterday. I don’t want you to take any chances. And especially if Mia is going to be here or with you at work this week. I want my girls to stay safe.’

I smile when Patrick calls Mia and me his girls.

An hour later, I have dropped Oliver off at school, Mia has spread her books across the boardroom table, and I’m in my office, having another look at BUYIT TV’s paperwork. I want to be absolutely sure we’re not accusing Ajay of something in error. But it seems that everything tallies with what I thought. The internal phone rings.

‘Patrick is here,’ Nicky says.

‘Please send him in.’

Patrick strides briskly into my office and leans over my desk to give me a kiss. ‘Ready?’ he asks. I nod although I’m not.

I knock on Ajay’s door, even though I can see him sitting at his desk, his fingers flying across his keyboard.

‘Come in,’ he says, without looking up.

We both walk in and Patrick closes the door behind him. Ajay stares at us with a bemused expression. ‘Everything all right?’

‘Um, no, not really. The thing is, um, there’s no easy way to say this, um.’ I simply can’t get my words out. Patrick takes over.

‘Ajay, it’s in the best interest of the business, and of Lydia, if you take some time off. Perhaps a few weeks’ paid leave, just until the police finally decide who was responsible for Adam’s death and so that there aren’t any more screw-ups, such as the fiasco with BUYIT TV yesterday.’ Patrick stands with his arms crossed in front of him.

Ajay explodes. ‘What gives you the right to come in here and tell Copyright 2016 - 2024