Rose Gardner's Florist (The Providence Street Shops #2) - Bonnie Dee Page 0,42

me,” she teased, referring to a bog where Hardy had taken Hattie on Will’s recommendation.

“It was a beautiful pond when I went there as a lad. How was I to know it had become so overgrown?” he protested.

They laughed together and Rose grasped the handle of the basket to share its weight as they strolled.

“Today’s site will be much nicer, I promise. There is a lovely stream that cuts across the northern edge of our property. A bit of a hike, but there should be no muck or swarms of insects to ruin our enjoyment.”

Rose very quickly realized she was not wearing appropriate shoes for walking over rough terrain. Her toes and her ankles ached, but it was worth the discomfort for the sight of a herd of cows with calves in a meadow.

“Look at the tiny one wobble! He must be a newborn,” she exclaimed. “I must admit I have never seen living cattle before, only beef on a plate. I doubt I shall ever be able to consume meat again after this.”

He smiled. “When I was a boy, I adopted a chicken that followed me whenever I was outdoors. I knew I could never eat such a faithful pet. But when Cook prepared him with apricot glaze, I devoured every bite. I should introduce you to her. The woman taught me practicality and how to make a loaf of bread from scratch.”

Rose tried to picture young William sitting on a stool in the kitchen, chatting with the staff. How odd it must have been to mature from such familiarity to the proper distance between master and servant; polite yet removed. And where might an outsider such as herself fit in such a hierarchy?

Nowhere. It was not a world for the likes of her.

Her glum thought passed as they reached the stream. Its surface sparkled like diamonds in the sunlight, then flowed into the dim and dappling shade of trees. This was every bit a babbling brook such as those featured in books. Rose had never quite visualized the reality, having only gutters of rainwater to compare it to.

She dropped to her knees beside the swiftly moving water, scooped up cool water with both hands, and splashed it on her face.

“Don’t drink,” Will advised. “Cattle drink here and one cannot be too certain what they leave behind. It is all right to wade, however. My brother, sister and I splashed around here as children.”

Rose sat back on her heels and looked up at him. “Tell me more about your siblings.”

“Rupert and his wife Virginia live in the Hall with Mother and Father. They have improved the stables and are breeding racing stock. My nephews, Rupert and Peter, may be around somewhere as they are on summer holiday. They will return to school soon. And Penelope is touring Europe with friends. She is a bold spirit. ‘A modern’ she calls herself. You will probably take to her when you meet her.”

The offhand way he assumed she would return and someday eventually meet his sister startled Rose. This budding romance was advancing far too quickly given all the obstacles to it. Although Lady Carmody had been polite enough, Rose did not truly believe the woman expected her to come to dinner. It was simply a polite invitation. Will’s world could never be hers and it troubled her that he did not seem to realize it.

But no need to indulge in worry now while the sun shone and the brook babbled.

She watched the water pass by for several moments longer then went to where Will had spread a cloth and unpacked their luncheon.

Rose sank to the ground and loosened her shoes. She would like to shed them and plunge her sore feet into soft grass, but it would be inappropriate.

“Please serve yourself whatever you would like. Cook has packed sufficiently to feed an army; ham sandwiches, cold kidney pie, boiled eggs, pickled beets and her mouth-watering lemon-custard squares.” He poured two glasses of wine.

Rose didn’t wait to be asked twice as she attacked the bounty. She couldn’t recall ever being so ravenous, not even the winter her entire family had been out of work due to factory closures and ill health. Back then, she had adjusted to meager rations. But now, having a veritable banquet laid out before her roused her appetite like an animal coming out of hibernation.

Will told about his childhood days playing in the stream with his siblings. “Our nanny was a lenient caretaker and let us run quite Copyright 2016 - 2024