Roped Tight (Ryker Ranch #4) - Kim Loraine Page 0,48

away from us and headed into the stables, the sight of him leaving almost as appealing as the sight of him heading my way.

“So…” Sera started. “You two seemed a little…intense. Where were you anyway?”

I swallowed back my first response, which was to deny anything and everything. My life was private. I didn’t need my little sister shoving her nose into my love life. Then I thought about what Mama had said about trust and how keeping secrets could hurt without meaning to. “I spent the night at Tuck’s place.”

“Yeah? Why?”

I cocked a brow and gave her a knowing look.

“What?” The question came as a shocked response as my expression registered. “You and Tucker? You’re…oh, my God, finally. Are you in love with him?”

“I wouldn’t exactly say we’re in love, but yeah, we’re giving this a chance.”

“Wait,” Tristan said. “You’re gay?”

I laughed a real laugh for the first time in a really long time. “Yeah, Tristan.”

He shrugged. “Makes sense.”


“Because you’ve never made a move on Hazel. Have you seen my wife? She’s drop-dead gorgeous. Any unattached guy would want her unless that guy was into dudes.”

“One, she was pregnant. Two, you were clearly in love with her when I met her. And three, yeah, you’re right, she’s gorgeous, but she’s not my type.”

“Damn right.”

“So are you bringing him over for family dinner? You know Mama will want him to be there if he’s special to you,” Sera asked.

I hadn’t thought of that. Honestly, Tucker could be part of every aspect of my life if that was where he wanted to be. “Yeah. I’ll see if he’s got plans.”

Tristan smiled, wide and genuine. “Good. He can sit by me, and I’ll give him the brotherly third degree. I haven’t gotten a chance to do that yet. Now’s my time.”

Laughing, I ran a hand over the back of my neck as Sera rolled her eyes. “A Ryker brother rite of passage. One that I’ll never let you experience with me.”

“Experience what?” Clint asked as he walked out of the stables, the same weary, ash-streaked expression Tristan had worn on his face.

“Interrogating my boyfriend.”

“You have a boyfriend?” he asked, protectiveness over our baby sister rearing its head on instinct. I knew the feeling well, but Clint was terrible at disguising his tone.

“No. There’s no one around here I’d ever give a second of my time to, you know that.”

“So who are we interrogating?” Clint’s brows drew together.

“Sam’s boyfriend.”

My older brother cocked his head to the side and assessed me. “So, you and Tucker are finally making it happen?”

“Everyone knew but me?” Tristan asked, bewildered.

Buck’s spurs jangled as he headed for us with Penny on his arm. “What’d we know?”

“That Sam’s gay.” Tristan waited for a response from Buck.

“Oh, yeah, I figured that out a long time ago.”

“Me too,” Penny added.

“Well, shit. I thought I was more observant than that.” Tristan sighed and clapped me on the shoulder. “I’m gonna go take a shower, then head into town and love on my wife and baby boy for a while. See you tomorrow? We should all ride out to assess the damage.”

Nodding, I grinned at him. “I’ll be there.” Tucker rode by in the distance on his horse, the sight of the man hard at work doing something he loved making my chest ache with pride. “We both will.”



“Good work today, girl. That was a long ride today with those guys.” I patted Shadow on the shoulder, stroking her shining coat as I finished removing her saddle and turning her out for the evening. Over the last few weeks, the contestants on the show had finally started acting like cowboys. Terrible cowboys, but at least I wasn’t constantly afraid they were going to end up dead.

“Yeah, you’re beautiful, baby. I love you. You know it too.”

“Do I need to be jealous of that horse?” Tucker’s voice buzzed in my ear. A vibration I felt all the way down my spine before the brush of his lips against my neck had me fighting a groan.

“Depends,” I murmured. “Do I get to ride you later?”

“Fuck, yes. But not until after.”

I turned to face him, the glint of mischief in his eyes making me grin. “After what?”

“They’re playing Die Hard at the drive-in tonight.”

Shaking my head, I said, “Sorry, I don’t watch Christmas movies until at least after Halloween.”

“It’s not a Christmas movie.”

“Yeah, it is. It takes place on Christmas, there’s a tree, a party, everything. Therefore…Christmas movie.”

He laughed. “Okay, I guess. Well, it’s not Christmas, but do Copyright 2016 - 2024