Roots Of Rage (Transfusion Saga #9) - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,80

paved and with the constant downpour, walking through them became like walking through sludgy snow. In fact, after about ten minutes of trying to get to what looked like the centre of the town, my legs were killing me! They felt as if I had weights attached to my ankles every time I lifted up my knees.

Forget about the bath, all I needed was a bed and that was because I felt as though I could sleep for a week. The centre of the town was in the shape of a diamond and at its centre was the gruesome sight of torture. At the very least I could say I was glad that all that was hanging from the noose was the skeleton of a demon without legs, not a fresh-looking corpse. Only one wing remained, telling me that whoever had been hung, had lost parts of its body before being put there.

“Therapy, Fae…lots and lots of therapy,” I muttered to myself as I finally came across what I was looking for…a Tavern. Now the last time I had been in one of these I’d had three powerful shifters at my back, so I wasn't sure I was making the right choice by walking into an establishment filled with drunken demons that most likely wouldn't give a demonic rat’s ass about my problems. But seeing as I hadn't come across anyone other than pissed off guards, then from the sounds of life humming behind its doors, I knew this was my only choice.

I had run out of all my options.

I went to pull the door open, when suddenly it disappeared from my hand as someone had done it for me, making me have to get out of the way quickly so they didn't just bulldoze into me. Thankfully, the big creature looked two sheets to the wind and staggered off without even acknowledging my existence. I crept inside with the door swinging closed behind me. I made sure my hood was up, so I could potentially get away with not looking so obviously human, and I squeezed myself in between all the bodies that were clearly there for a good time.

Some creatures, beasts, and demons were recognisable from books, research, and even stories told by a family member. But I would say these only made up about ten percent of the occupants currently packing out the space. Because as for the rest of them, I had no clue what they were. There were ones that looked more animal than human, and most of these were a combination of more than one.

Some had wings that were folded tightly to their backs due to the lack of space to move, and others had scaley tails wrapped around their waists so they wouldn't get stepped on. There were more horns than in a hunting lodge and each of these ranged in both size and shape. Even skin tones went from albino white to blazing red, to black as night.

Being someone with as much of a curious nature as I always had, then admittedly, it was hard not to stare. But then equally as clumsy as I was, it was also hard not to fall on my ass or get that same ass kicked by first knocking into someone. Thankfully, the one demon I had knocked into already was blind drunk and actually apologised to me thinking it was his fault.

In fact, due to the obvious lack of kindness I would find in a place like this, I homed in on this person thinking that in them I might be able to appeal for their help. Naturally, in this state they were probably too drunk to do much, but at the very least I might get a coin or two to pay some kind of ferryman to take me closer to Lucius’ realm.

Of course, this was until a demon, who later turned out to be his lover, grabbed me back by the scruff of my neck and accused me of feeling up his boyfriend. I had to say it was most likely one of the strangest moments of my life and when I tried to explain that I wasn't trying to take advantage of the blue skinned demon who had buck teeth and his large dick on show, I found myself stuttering for the right words.

“I told you to put that away!” The demon, who still had me by my neck, snarled at his boyfriend nodding down at the dick in question, which like Copyright 2016 - 2024