Room 4 Rent A Steamy Romantic Comedy - Shey Stahl Page 0,51

thing he needs is my drama. “I’m not calling him. I’ve got no reason to.” I twist the cap to my water bottle on and then off again. “Besides. The season is starting. I’m not buggin’ him.”

Ez smirks. “You just don’t want him to know you got kicked out of the dorms for being a shit.”

There’s some truth to that one. I hate disappointing my dad.

Forest bumps me from behind. “Can I get that lawyer chick’s phone number?”

I lift my head and look up at him. “No. She’s married.”

He smiles, waggling his eyebrows. “Doesn’t matter to me.”

Of course it doesn’t. Half the guys on this team wouldn’t give a rat’s ass if a girl they hooked up with belonged to someone else. They lack morals. I know I hinted at the fact that I would have fucked Sydney regardless, but knowing me, I wouldn’t have gone through with it.

I lean my head back against my locker, trying to think of a way I can convince Sydney I’m her best option. Got any ideas? Because I’m fresh out of them. I’ve even thought of showing up and trying to befriend the kid to convince her, but that might look bad. Creepy guy trying to make friends with a kid? That’s not weird at all.

In just his boxers and thankfully showered, Ez sits next to me. “I got an idea for you.”

I don’t bother looking over at him. “Last time you had an idea, I got arrested by campus security because they thought your crushed-up Altoids were cocaine.”

He stares at me, blinking slowly. “How was I supposed to know they would turn to dust in my back pocket?”

“Most everyone knows that.” Reaching down, I grab my towel, intending on showering before I leave. “It’s why they’re sold in a tin container and not the plastic bag you put them in.”

“Whatever.” He waves his hand around. “Do you want to hear my plan or not?”

“Not really.”

“Hear me out. Give her tickets to the game tomorrow.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Why?”

“You said she’s a baseball fan, right?”

I nod. “I think she is.”

“Okay, give her and the kid tickets. Then you can do your thing. If she sees you throw, guaranteed she’ll fall for you.” He winks at me. “Hell, I did. And bonus, no Teslas will be harmed.”

A smile lifts my lips. Not at the Tesla comment. I still don’t know what happened there, but the fact that his plan might work and way easier than stalking the child. At least this way, I can score some points with the kid.

After I shower, I stop by the PR office on my way out and have them send over four tickets to tomorrow night’s game, right behind the dugout. If I can’t impress her with my pitching, I’ll befriend the kid.

In my car, I try to recall what I know about the kid. She said her name was Tatum. She’s three and loves country music. With my phone in hand, I think about texting Sydney, but I think I’ll leave the tickets as a surprise. I do pull up her Instagram page and see what I can find out about her.

In my experience, if you need to convince anyone to do anything, you need to know their weakness. Judging by Sydney’s Instagram… Tatum is her world. And her business. Sydney Hannah. She’s an artist and a damn good one at that. I’m fucking impressed for sure.

I follow the links to her Etsy page and buy the most expensive painting I can find and have it shipped to my grandma Andrea in Washington. If she won’t let me rent the room, yet, I’ll support her business.

I go back to her Instagram picture and click on a recent one of her and Tatum together. They’re identical to one another. Same smile, nose, and wide blue eyes. Tatum’s wearing feathers in her hair and a dress I’m pretty sure my great grandmother owned, but she’s cute with a mischievous smile.

Me and this kid, we’re gonna be friends.

Generally, a save situation is when a pitcher enters the game in the seventh inning or later with a lead of three runs or fewer. This is typically what the closer (closing pitcher) is brought into the game for.


If I thought the calls before were bizarre when we first posted the ad, I was in for a rude awakening. Sex doll guy, strange. Sex offender, not surprised. Cason wasn’t expecting that.

What really made me rethink renting out the room?

A younger woman, maybe twenty-five. Copyright 2016 - 2024