Room 4 Rent A Steamy Romantic Comedy - Shey Stahl Page 0,11

Ez finds me soon after. “You sleeping with me tonight?”

He’s talking about me sleeping on his couch, but his comment earns a side-eye from one of the rookie backup pitchers. One who’s so stuck up he might as well be wearing a cardigan over his shoulders.

Noticing the attention, Ez winks at him and runs his hand suggestively over my shoulder. By the way, he’s fucking buck-ass naked. “You should stretch tonight, baby.”

I shove him away from me. “Knock that shit off.”

Laughing, he catches himself against the lockers, sweeping his hair wet from his shower. “You know you love it, Reins.”


He grabs me by the arm and points to our center fielder, Mazzie, who’s walking around with his cock hanging out. Believe me, nobody in a locker room is modest. It’s a lot of cock and balls, on and off the field. “His fucking dick looks so angry.”

“I’m not looking,” I point out, trying to avert my eyes.

“It’s hard not to. It looks… angry, man. Like a cobra ready to strike.”

Sighing, I walk away from him. Not only is Ez superstitious as fuck and burns just about everything he cooks, including popcorn, but he loves to make you uncomfortable.

Somewhere between leaving the clubhouse that night and running into Brie outside, I think about something my dad told me last year before the college world series. He’d heard it somewhere, I’m sure, but I can’t recall where. “Don’t let the success or failure of your last pitch affect this pitch right here, right now.”

I did though.

Leaning against my car, I bury my hands in the pockets of my shorts. I stare up at the night sky that’s still rumbling from the storm earlier. Brie stands in front of me, tears in her eyes. “I didn’t show up to throw you off.”

I nod, but I don’t know if she’s telling me the truth. This girl, God, she’s everything I thought I wanted in the future, but she couldn’t see that before it was too late.

She blows out a breath, swallowing as she fidgets with the phone in her hand. “I should get going.”

I hate the thumping of my heart and the pain that follows. “Did you wait around over an hour after the game to tell me that?”

Her eyes linger on my face. “Yes. Why?”

I exhale in an over-exaggerated way. “Bye, Brie.” I reach for the handle of my Jaguar, wanting to be anywhere but this conversation with her. We’ve been here too many times over the last three months. Do you want to know when I found out she fucked Baylor?

Christmas Day. She told me on Christmas Day. “Merry Christmas, I sucked your best friend’s dick.”

Okay, she didn’t say it like that, but the point was made. She’d left me for my best friend, and here I was, pine tar, stuck like glue to a girl who no longer wanted the life I thought we had planned out. The one where we dreamed of me in the majors and her by my side. The one where after college, she studied to become a pediatrician, and we eventually started a family.

And then I think about what went through my mind after the game and my dad’s words ingrained in my head. “The game usually gives you what you deserve, good or bad.”

Had I deserved what she did? Had I treated her badly? I’m not sure I ever asked the question. I think I’d been so caught up in the betrayal between them that I didn’t ask any questions.

“Why him?”

Brie lets out a soft laugh, though I’m not sure why, and her blonde hair falls into her face with a breeze around us. I’m hit hard by her scent and the realization that I’m to blame for some of this. “Cason, you’re explosive on a mound. Absolutely breathtaking to watch shut down some of the greatest hitters in baseball, and I have no doubt that talent will take you as far as you want it to.” She smiles a sympathetic smile and then looks down at her phone once more. “But as far as being in a relationship with you, you’re a completely different person off the field.”

I see the truth in her words, but it doesn’t exactly sit well with me. “And he’s different? Because the last time I checked, and I know Baylor pretty fucking good, he has the same mindset.”

“He’s different. He makes time for me, and I never have to question who he’s with.”

The words hit me in the chest. Copyright 2016 - 2024