Roman (Raleigh Raptors #2) - Samantha Whiskey Page 0,50

too soon, or if this is insanity. I’ve always loved you.” I punctuated my sentences with deep thrusts, holding back my orgasm by sheer force of will. “I will always love you.”

“Roman,” she cried.

“Only you, Teagan.”

Her eyes shimmered with tears. “I love you, too.”

Relief and joy slammed into me simultaneously, and for the first time in my life, I felt totally and completely whole.

I slowed my pace but kept my thrusts deep—just the way she liked it—making love to her with everything I had to offer. It was all hers, anyway. Only after she came again, gasping my name against my lips, did I let go and fall over that sweet abyss, coming so hard I saw the lights flash behind my eyes.

Our breathing slowed as the cello played on through the speaker, our gazes locked as we clung to each other.

“I know it’s not fair,” I blurted as the guilt kicked in. How the hell could I dump that on her, knowing I’d never be able to give her what she wanted.

“What?” She pulled back just far enough to scan my features as she caressed my cheek with her thumb.

“It’s not fair to start this with you—to tell you that I’m wildly, recklessly in love with you. Not when I know we can’t work in the long term.” The words sliced through my soul like a rusty knife, dicing my one moment of happiness.

“Why wouldn’t we work?” She shook her head. “Roman. I love you. This isn’t some fling for me. You’re…you’re it.” She tensed.

Damn it, was this already over before we’d even gotten a chance to explore it?

My stomach twisted. “I can’t give you that dream you’ve always wanted. I can’t give you kids. You know that, and I’m not willing to be something you sacrifice for.”

Her face slackened for a heartbeat before a gorgeous smile replaced the tension. “Is that it? Kids are your concern?”

I nodded.

She squeezed her thighs and drew me closer with her heels at the small of my back. “Do you want kids?”

Had it been anyone else asking, I would have lost my shit. “Yeah,” I said as gently as I could without snapping. “I would love a house full of kids, but you know damned well—”

She silenced me with a kiss. “Then give me kids. We’ll adopt. We’ll foster. We’ll find another way. I don’t have to carry a child to raise one, Roman.”

I blinked. “Really?”

She grinned. “Really. When we’re ready, we’ll figure it out.” Her hands were gentle as she cupped my face. “The roadblock you’ve got in your head doesn’t exist. Not between us. We can have it all.”

I laughed, then kissed her deep, because we already did.



I sat on the edge of my seat—the same cushioned chair I always sat in at home games. The boys took turns buying out a private suite each home game, and luckily for me, I’d always gotten an invite. Only now, it was different.

Because I wasn’t hanging on every move Rick made. I wasn’t silently praying for him to make some big plays so he’d be in a better mood post-game.

Never again.

Now, I cheered for Roman, which I always had done naturally anyway, but this time…it was different. This time, I knew what he felt like between my thighs, knew the taste of his kiss could empty my head of all sound and logic. Knew that there was nothing better than waking up to him in the morning, and seeing him right before I went to bed at night.

“Damn,” Savannah said from my right. “Detroit has upped their defensive strategy this year.” There was an edge to her tone as she looked down at the field with concern.

“It’s not over,” Liberty chided as if we would’ve ever dared say that.

“We know that,” I said, resisting the urge to bite my nails. We were in the fourth quarter, and we were down seventeen to twenty-one. “Roman’s had one-hundred and forty-four rushing yards this game. How did we get behind?” I groaned.

The Raptors only had two-hundred and twenty-eight total rushing yards this game, which meant Roman was busting that sexy little ass up and down the field. He deserved a win—the entire team did with the way we’d fought Detroit tooth and nail the whole damn game.

“Here we go,” Savannah said as the offense took formation.

I reached for both their hands, each of us holding our breath as Nixon took the snap and handed the ball off to Roman. We launched from our seated positions as Copyright 2016 - 2024