A Rogue's Secret - Stacy Reid Page 0,19

him. We have promised to visit each other often.”

“It was a love match.”

“A most beautiful one,” he said gruffly, his gaze intent on her. “Tell me, Lady Verity, what do you like to do? The other day we spoke for so long. I still recall your funny tale of the butcher chasing the pig down Buckland Dinham High Street, of a lady called Mrs. Blanchard being sweet on Dr. Wint, and of Mary’s dreams. You spoke little of yourself.”

And though their walk had been lovely, and she enjoyed every moment, Verity had been deliberate in her evasiveness. “I…there is not much to tell,” she said with a nervous laugh.

“Are you afraid to tell me?”

Her heart gave a violent jolt, and it took several moments before she said, “I enjoy reading immensely and taking long walks in the woods.”

“Do you read often?”

She nodded. “Every day. In those pages, I find an escape that is just wonderful.”

“And what is it that you run from?”

Her heart gave another powerful lurched. “I…I am not running from anything. I read because I find stories beautiful and complex, and thrilling. My senses are captivated for a few hours, and the world becomes a place where…”

“Where you do not feel lonely?”

Yes. But she did not dare say it aloud. Verity was dismayed by the feeling stirring in her heart. She’d convinced herself she needed nothing more from life, yet with a few questions an ache of unfulfilled need rose inside like a gathering storm.

He shifted perilously closer. “Tell me, Lady Verity, what captivates you when you are not reading?”

“I also garden,” she whispered, suddenly embarrassed by the emptiness of her life. As quickly as the feeling consumed her, she fiercely pushed it aside. Verity would not let this man, who was bound to be a fleeting presence, allow her to feel any sort of regret over an existence she had chosen for herself.

“Is there anything you wish for, but it appears far from your reach?”

Her throat went tight at the look in his eyes, which said that he wanted to give her whatever unattainable desire she owned. A man to call my own…a lover, a husband, at least three children. A love that was kind and passionate and one that would endure many years together. A love that would not die early. Her heart ached terribly, and did she not say all of that, but replied, “Riding as well. When you had mentioned you love riding, I wanted to tell you it was another delight we share,” she admitted candidly, a smile in her voice. “I used to ride regularly, but that is a pleasure I’ve not had in some time. We…I am not able to keep a stable.”

“I shall get you a horse and we will ride in the mornings together.”

“You are outrageous! I couldn’t accept such a gift!”

He smiled. “No, but I am falling in love.”

Verity gasped and felt herself flush with warmth. “You are outrageous!”

She stood, smoothing down the front of her gown, unable to meet his eyes. “I think it is time I return home,” she said a bit breathlessly. “I will return tomorrow. The verses of the sonnet implied that the grounds—”

Her words faltered when he stood and with just one step, he was right before her. It took such courage to lift her face to his because he could discern the powerful need quaking through her.

He cupped her cheeks. “Do not shy away from me.”


“Yes, Verity?”

She fought to gather her composure at their proximity and lost. Her fingers trembled, and her heart raced. “Rupert, I—”

Her lashes fluttered close when he lifted her face to his.

“Open your eyes,” he said, his tone a bit uneven.

She complied, noting the flush against his elegant jawline and the glitter of need in his eyes.

“I am going to kiss you.”

And by telling her, he gave her an avenue for retreat, but she could do nothing but stare up at him helplessly.

“And I am going to marry you.”

She laughed, and it came out a breathless and alarmed sound.

He dipped his head and caught her mouth with his in a passionate kiss. Verity did not pull away but lifted her hands to twine them around the nape of his neck, kissing him back with chaotic need pulsing through her. His mouth urged her to part her lips, and when she did, he touched his tongue to hers.

Verity moaned and shivered in his arms.

Her whole body turned liquid, her breasts swelling inside her gown, a pulse of heat rushing

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