Rocking Kin (Lucy & Harris, #3) - Terri Anne Browning Page 0,64

my teeth as I reminded myself. Just a few more months until I was eighteen.

Still, I gave the twins a teasing grin. “Did you guys bring cash with you? You might have to bail me out of jail later after I beat the shit out of those two.”

Angie’s brows lifted, her blue eyes full of interest. “You scared to get into more trouble?”

“Ang,” I covered my heart with my hand. “really? Have you forgotten me so easily?”

Nose. Clean.

Fuck that shit. Angie was there. I was going to have some fun, damn it.

Angie grinned. “I’ll call you later, sugar bug.”

Seeing that evil-ass grin on her beautiful face filled me with so much love it almost hurt. “Did I mention I missed you? Because I have. So. Bad.” I blew her a kiss and then turned to hurry to the car where Georgia was laying down on the horn and not letting go. Fucking cunt.

While Georgia drove us back to their house, I pulled out my cellphone and pulled up Jace’s name. I needed to at least warn him that the twins were in town.

Seeing that I already had one unread message from him, I opened it.

Will you come to First Bass tonight?

My teeth sank into my bottom lip.

I’m grounded. Lucy will be there though… With Caleb and Angie.

As soon as I hit send I saw that he’d gotten the message and was already reading it, like he’d been waiting on me to message him back. Did he do that often, I wondered? Had he been waiting after every text he had sent me over the past months? There had been a lot of them, and if he had been waiting for a reply to each one, that had to mean something.


Fuck, I didn’t know, but my heart ached to believe that it did.


I rolled my eyes at the shouting, excited text.

Thought I should warn you that Caleb was in town with Angie.

I tried to emphasize that to him, but he didn’t seem to care that I was trying to help him. He was still too excited that I’d replied to his message.

When is the grounding over? Can I see you soon? Can you CALL me?

I muttered a curse under my breath. If Jace had been sitting beside me right then, I would have shaken his shoulders. Or beaten some sense into his hard head.


I hit send and hoped that he finally got what I was attempting to make him realize. Caleb was in town with Angie. Angie who would kick him in the balls if she saw him without warning. Angie who would do so much more damage with just the smallest provoking. He didn’t have to worry about Caleb who was so much harder to piss off and wouldn’t dare hurt anyone unless either Angie or I asked him to kick their ass.

Angie would tear Jace St. Charles apart and smile like an angel when she was done.

Yeah. Got that, babe. Don’t care. Want to see YOU. Want to hear your voice. Call me.

Before I could make up my mind to call him or not, the car came to a jerking stop. If I hadn’t been wearing my seatbelt I would have gotten whiplash for sure. Fighting back the kind of nausea that came with the kind of rollercoaster ride Georgia took me on every time she was behind the wheel, I quickly typed out one last text before reluctantly getting out of the car.

I’ll call you later.

Chapter 15


She was going to call.

Fuck yeah.


That Kin had actually texted me back had put a stupid grin on my face. With her promise to call me, I was actually walking around the apartment singing along to one of my favorite songs on my playlist as I fixed myself a late lunch.

Mostly all we had in the fridge was milk, eggs, a hell of a bunch of condiments and a shitload of beer. The pantry was just as bare with only a few half-empty boxes of cereal, some canned soup and an assortment of flavors of protein powder that Gray kept stocked up. He was a total freak about his protein powders.

I scrambled some eggs, added a few slices of toast smothered in grape jelly and headed into the living room to watch some TV while I waited on Kin to call. I had no idea when—or even if Copyright 2016 - 2024