Rocking Kin (Lucy & Harris, #3) - Terri Anne Browning Page 0,6

until class was over.

As Mr. Blankenship went back to his lecture, I heard a few whispers and giggles from behind me and gritted my teeth. Two seconds in my first class and I was already getting laughed at. Great. Rolling my eyes at yet another giggle from right behind me, I put an ear bud in my left ear and focused my eyes ahead so that I at least gave the impression I was paying attention. Wasn’t like I was going to hear anything out of my right ear anyway. I’d lost all hearing in it when I was a toddler. I’d had ear infection issues that had led to having to get tubes, but not before I’d completely lost all hearing in my right ear.

If trig was boring, then my second class was a snooze fest. History was not my favorite subject. If anything it was at the top of my list of classes to torture me with. I was hoping for a seat near the back, but of course there wasn’t one. Instead I got stuck smack dab in the middle of everyone. As I took the seat, I felt everyone’s eyes drilling into me. I wanted to ask what they were looking at, but of course I didn’t. It was too soon to start showing my true colors. I didn’t want to freak them out with how outspoken I tended to be. Not yet at least.

The bell rang and the teacher, Mrs. Crane, stood from behind her desk where she had been watching everyone dispassionately and started to lecture in her coma-inducing monotone. I really wanted to put my earbud back in, but history wasn’t exactly my favorite subject. As much as I hated it, I had to pay attention in this class.

For a few minutes.

“Hey,” I heard someone from behind me whisper, but I ignored them at first.

“Hey, you. Montez.” A balled up piece of paper landed on my desk and I had no choice but to acknowledge the person behind me and to my right.

Have you ever looked at someone for the first time, and in the moment your gazes meet realized that this person was going to be a major part of your life? I have had that feeling twice in my life before that moment. The first time was when I was four and I met Angie and Caleb for the first time after my mom and Carter had been dating for a few weeks.

The second time…

Well, I didn’t want to think about the second time I’d had that feeling. What I had thought was going to be the most important person in my life had destroyed my heart just weeks after my mother had been given the devastating news that she wasn’t going to last the rest of the year.

But in the instant I met those dark eyes, I knew that this chick was going to be my new best friend.

When I saw the girl seated there I blinked again, sure that I was seeing things. But no. She remained the same when I opened my eyes for the second time. To say this girl was beautiful would have been an understatement. She wore very minimal makeup that highlighted her nearly black eyes and long lashes. There was some product in her crazy curly hair, but that was to tame the mass of rich dark perfection. The only imperfection was the slight scar just above her lip and at the very bottom of it, but that just only added to her beauty in an odd way.

“What?” I whispered back at her.

“What lunch do you have?”

I glanced back at my schedule. “First lunch.”

She grinned. “Good. Wait for me after class.”

I frowned but she just turned her attention back to Mrs. Crane and her lecture. Shaking my head, I tried to concentrate for a few more minutes before the teacher’s voice became to much and I put my Beats earbud back in. I pretended to pay attention while skimming over the chapter she was discussing and tapping my foot to the new OtherWorld single that had just recently been released.

Chapter 3


I took my time packing up my messenger bag when the bell finally rang at the end of history. A glance over my shoulder showed me that the beautiful curly haired brunette was still packing away her things. So I waited until she was on her feet before standing. When she turned toward me I realized I was taller than her by at least Copyright 2016 - 2024