Rocking Kin (Lucy & Harris, #3) - Terri Anne Browning Page 0,57

the first half of the show, barely pausing between songs when I would have normally made it last as long as possible. The crowd always ate it up when I played the ‘cocky bastard rock star.’ The guys didn’t seem to mind, not that I would have cared if they’d had an issue with it.

At one point I saw Harris join the girls, and wrap his arms around Lucy. I’d chanced a glance at Kin then, saw how set her jaw was and nearly stopped mid-song to ask her why she was so upset. I lifted a brow at Harris between the next song and he shrugged, letting me know Kin was fine. With Marcus standing so close to the two girls, I knew they were safe, but I wanted to find out what was going through Kin’s mind right then.

Two songs later, as the pace started getting edgier, the night came to a dead halt when some chick dressed like a reject from an eighties porno jumped on stage and tried to rape my mouth. I went instantly still, lifting my hands away from her to show Kin that I had no part in what was going on.

The chick’s lips didn’t taste bad, but she was too overeager and sloppy. My dick didn’t even twitch when she tried to climb me like a tree just as security rushed the stage and pulled her off me. Wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, I finally got a good look at the mental case who had jumped me.

Ridiculous hair. Indecent outfit. Enough makeup to make Kassa want to hide behind me or Gray because she could have passed for a clown—or worse, a damn mime. My sister had a real fear of clowns and mimes, to the point that she froze up and went nearly catatonic until she was in her safe place. If she had seen that chick right then she might have been running for the nearest exit, screaming her head off.

The crowd didn’t take the interruption very lightly. While some idiots cheered the chick on, the majority of the club was booing and a few even threw their beer bottles at the stage—at the girl.

Shaking my head, I scrubbed my hands over my mouth again, trying to get her taste off my lips and hoping to lighten the mood so that the crowd didn’t go into full-on riot mode. “Yo, bitch, the eighties called. The porn stars want their wardrobe back.”

The booing was cut off as everyone started laughing, including my bandmates.

The chick who had assaulted me, however, didn’t find it nearly as funny, as her hands were jerked behind her and someone put cable ties around her wrists. Her face went blood red even through her multi-layers of thick makeup. I saw her mouth moving and figured she was cursing me with every bad word she knew, but I couldn’t hear any of it over the roaring laughter.

But while my attention had been on what was happening on stage, I had missed what was taking place up front and center. The next time I looked at Kin, figuring she thought the whole thing was just as funny as everyone else, it was to find her frowning as she talked to Lucy and Harris. Lucy said something that made Harris’s face fall, then hugged him.

Before I could get off the stage to reach them, Marcus was pushing the girls in the direction security had just taken the freak who had kissed me. What the fuck?

I jumped down off the stage right in front of Harris. Around me the crowd started booing again, wanting me to finish the show. When two guys with beers in their hands took a step toward me, I flipped them both the bird and turned to face my friend. “Where the hell is Kin going?” She’d said we could talk, damn it. I’d finally felt like I was getting somewhere with her.

Harris grimaced. “That chick who just kissed you?” I nodded. “That’s Kin’s stepsister. She came with Kin and since Lucy is her ride, they had to go.”

I raked my fingers through my hair, wishing I’d done some kind of damage to the bitch who had just ruined my night in more ways than one. “Motherfucker. I finally got Kin to agree to talk to me after this show. That stupid cunt ruined everything.”

Harris blew out a frustrated breath. “Agreed.” He glanced around at the crowd that was starting to get rowdy. Copyright 2016 - 2024