Rocking Kin (Lucy & Harris, #3) - Terri Anne Browning Page 0,49

didn’t want her apology. She had nothing to be sorry about. I should have tried harder, should have fucking been there for her when she needed someone to hold her through losing her mother. Through having to uproot herself during her senior year of high school and move in with a new family she didn’t know, like or trust.

She shook her head. “No, don’t say anything. I just… Can we be friends? I mean, we’re going to see a lot of each other, what with your best friend being so obviously in love with my best friend. We could at least be civil to each other and try to be friends.”

She wanted to be friends.



Fuck friends.

Fuck civil.

But hell, it was more than what I had right then. Maybe she would even answer the damn phone when I called her now. So biting back my need to yell at the world that I wanted more than friendship—that I wanted her back in my arms where she belonged—I nodded. “I’d like that, Kin.”

Chapter 12


Thankfully, Lucy’s hand wasn’t broken, but like Jace had said it probably would have hurt worse if she had. She was in pain, but refused to take anything harder than the ibuprofen that the doctor had suggested she take. She was stubborn, but I knew her reasons. She’d told me what had happened when she was nine, so I understood why she didn’t like touching anything but over-the-counter pain relievers.

The next morning Lucy couldn’t find her phone, but her mother handed Lucy her own and we were out the door. For once the school day passed quickly when all I wanted it to do was drag. I wasn’t in a hurry to get home and face the consequences of skipping out on Georgia the night before. All too soon the last bell rang and while Lucy and I walked out to the student parking lot, I saw Georgia waiting impatiently in her little sports car with Carolina.


I would have rather just gone home with Lucy, but hiding from a difficult situation wasn’t my style. Besides, I needed some fresh clothes that were my own and not the borrowed ones I’d gotten from Lucy that morning.

I hugged my friend as she got into her Range Rover and clenched my jaw as I headed toward the step-bitches. I’d left my guitar at First Bass but Jace had put it up for me the night before. He’d texted me twice the night before and for the first time I hadn’t ignored his messages.

My heart had been heavy as I’d sent him a reply thanking him for taking care of the guitar for me. That guitar was special to me and he knew it. Carter had given it to me when I was ten and it was actually signed by DJ Ashba, my third favorite guitarist behind Drake Stevenson and Wroth Niall.

Goodnight, babe. Hope I see you at the show tomorrow night. Sweet dreams.

That had been Jace’s second text the night before and I’d been half asleep and my heart had been weak when I’d returned his message.

Night. See you then.

Up until then I hadn’t planned on going back to First Bass that week. Seeing him Wednesday nights was hard enough, but going on Thursdays was always harder and I hadn’t been back to see a Tainted Knights show since Jace had played tonsil hockey with a groupie. But now we were supposed to be friends, so I couldn’t let shit like that bother me.


I’d asked for friendship.

I must have been high or some shit because I don’t even know why I’d said something so stupid. We’d just been sitting there in a crowded waiting room and the tension between us had been unbearable. I’d caved and told him I was sorry.



But as the words had left my lips, I’d realized that it was true. I was sorry for acting like a complete bitch to him. It was true that I was proud of him and the other guys. And it was true I was tired of fighting with him so much. Tired period. So, while it would hurt like a death blow to the chest every time I saw him with someone else, I had to move on. Hadn’t I said that I had so many times that I was blue in the face?

Well, now it was time I proved it.

It was actually kind of a relief, not having to worry about seeing him whenever I went to First Bass with Lucy. Copyright 2016 - 2024