Rocking Kin (Lucy & Harris, #3) - Terri Anne Browning Page 0,47

say anything like that in front of a girl, and I’d always been careful how I treated chicks in front of my sister. That this idiot had upset Lucy so much only made me want to take a turn or three at kicking his ass, so I could only imagine what Harris was feeling right then.

But instead of worrying about the dude bleeding all over his club’s floor, Harris was caught up in soothing Lucy who was still crying. “Okay, baby. I’ll take care of you,” he promised her as he pulled back and looked down at her before bending to brush a kiss over the tip of her nose.

Fuck, I should take notes from my friend. Maybe if I paid enough attention I could work some of that magic on Kin.

While Harris talked to his security, I moved closer to Lucy and Kin, who was now examining Lucy’s hand. Her knuckles were already swelling and bruised. She had blood on her hand, but I couldn’t tell if it was hers or just the douchebag’s. She needed to wash it to make sure she didn’t have any cut skin, and an ice pack to help with the swelling.

Harris turned away from his security personnel who were already dragging both the bleeding fucker and his friend away. “Let’s get you to the emergency room, Lu.” He pulled her against his side and headed for his office that led out onto the back street.

A Range Rover was already waiting outside for us. Marcus opened the back door and Harris climbed in and pulled Lucy right onto his lap. Kin got in on the other side and I nudged her over so I could sit with them. I wasn’t gonna lie. Marcus was a scary-ass fucker and I’d much rather torture myself sitting next to Kin than deal with that hulk of a badass by riding in the passenger seat.

Like I had expected, it was pure torture sitting beside Kin. The ten-minute ride was hell-filled-heaven stuck in that back seat. There was no room so Kin was pushed up against every inch of my right side. I hadn’t been this close to her in a hell of a long time, but I was thankful for it nonetheless. I could smell her shampoo, could practically taste the body wash she had always used. The combination was intoxicating and my mouth watered for just a tiny taste, even as other parts of my body hardened and begged for her closer touch.

The SUV came to a sudden stop in front of a nearby hospital and I would have given my left arm to have had just a few more minutes with Kin like that. Instead, Marcus got out of the front seat and reached for Lucy. Harris didn’t let her get far, though, as he took charge of the situation from the second her uninjured hand was back in his own.

I got out on my side of the car and offered Kin my hand to help her out. To my surprise she took it, and my heart pounded at the contact so hard it nearly burst out of my chest, but as soon as she was free she pulled away and followed after Lucy.

Grimacing, I headed into the emergency room where Harris was already talking quietly to a nurse. By the time I reached them, Harris and Lucy were being led back to a room with Marcus, but Kin and I had to stay in the waiting room.

I hated the circumstances that had brought us to this, but I wasn’t going to waste a fucking second of the time I would get to be alone with Kin. The waiting room was half full and Kin found two seats in the back. I dropped down beside her and she didn’t shy away when I draped an arm over the back of her chair.

“Do you think her hand is really broken?” Her voice was slightly shaky and she looked up at me with worried blue eyes.

“I doubt it. It’s most likely a bad bruise or a sprain, but those can hurt worse than a break. Kassa sprained her foot when she was thirteen. The doctor said she would’ve had a shorter recovery time if she’d actually broken it.”

She let out a relieved sigh. “Caleb broke his foot his freshman year of high school. He had to have a plate and wore a boot for three months. Football was a no go, so that’s when he started going crazy Copyright 2016 - 2024