Rocking Kin (Lucy & Harris, #3) - Terri Anne Browning Page 0,15

down before you fall.” Lucy glanced at me, but my eyes were still on our new addition. “Do you see a free couch or something?”

Jenna’s blue-gray eyes widened when she finally spotted me. “Wow, who’s this?” She stuck out a hand that noticeably shook. “Hi. I’m Jenna.”

I wasn’t about to touch this chick. Not because I suspected she was a lesbian. I had no problem with that. No, it was that she looked kind of dirty and smelled bad. Gross.

“This is Kin,” Lucy said, introducing us as if I hadn’t just snubbed the older girl.

“Like Barbie and Ken?” Jenna asked with a snort of amusement as Lucy wrapped her arm around the chick’s waist and half-carried her to a couch that had just become free across the room.

By the time we reached it I noticed Marcus had narrowed his eyes on Jenna. Lucy dropped her down onto the couch and Jenna didn’t bother to close her legs, letting the world see that she was definitely wearing underwear under the barely there dress she’d squeezed herself into. Jenna drained the last of her drink and slouched down.

“Wow, she’s a real barrel of laughs.” I took a sip of my ginger ale. “Are we going to have to babysit all night?”

“No way,” Lucy assured me with a new coolness to her tone that I hadn’t heard before. Her dark eyes were narrowed as she watched Jenna for a few moments, then she lifted her head to look for Marcus.

The distance he’d offered us for privacy disappeared and he was suddenly standing right beside us. “Problems?” his deep voice said. He could already see what was going on, but wanted to know what Lucy needed him to do.

“Yeah. As soon as I get Harris over here to deal with her, we’re leaving.”

Good. I hadn’t really been having fun, even if we had just arrived. I felt kind of like an imposter being up in the VIP lounge with so many famous celebrities. This wasn’t nearly as much fun as I had originally thought it would be. I was out of my element there and just wanted to disappear. I’d been to clubs before with Caleb and Angie—mostly Caleb. He’d let me use my fake ID and would watch out for me to make sure I didn’t have more than I could handle.

Fuck, I missed my stepbrother.

Clenching my jaw against the sharp pain of loss I felt every time I thought about my family back in Virginia, I tried to distract myself by people-watching. Lucy and I stood there watching over her friend for a while, waiting for this guy Harris to show up, before I realized I needed to go to the ladies’ room before we made our escape. “Where’s the bathroom?” I asked Lucy as I glanced around.

“It’s that way,” Marcus was quick to offer me.

Lucy’s head snapped around at that. “Go with her,” she commanded the bodyguard. Marcus turned his gaze on her but she was quick to shake her curly head at him. “Harris has plenty of staff up here who will watch out for me for the few minutes it will take Kin to use the bathroom. I’ll be fine.”

I didn’t wait long enough to see if Marcus did as she asked, but took off for the bathroom. As far as bathrooms went, it was probably the nicest one I’d ever seen at a club. The line was just the same as any other club, though. Chicks lined up to use the stalls who were half drunk or possibly even as high as Jenna was. That wasn’t anything unusual for me to see, but the whole drug scene wasn’t for me.

I was gone for nearly twenty minutes because of the line. By the time I returned it was to find Lucy arguing with a guy twice as big as she was. I hurried toward her when I saw her raise her hand and smack the dude across the face. What the fuck? Behind me, Marcus increased his pace, until we were both practically running toward Lucy.

Dark eyes turned in my direction and I saw a mixture of emotions crossing her face. The anger was to be expected, but the hurt had my blood boiling. Who the fuck had put that look in her eyes?

“I’m so ready to get out of here, Kin,” Lucy told me as I pushed between the two guys and wrapped my arms around her neck.

When I felt her tremble slightly I tightened my hold on Copyright 2016 - 2024