Rocking Kin (Lucy & Harris, #3) - Terri Anne Browning Page 0,13

him now.

“I don’t have to answer it if you want to talk longer,” Kassa promised me.

I rolled my eyes at my reflection. “And keep Gray from his daily dose of Kassa? Nah, I’ll pass. Love you, Kas.”

“Love you, too, big brother.” She blew me a kiss and then disconnected.

I stood there, staring down at my silent phone, but my mind was now completely off of my sister and my pain-in-the-ass roommate. The picture staring back at me made it hard to breathe for a moment as I took in the sight of long, auburn hair and eyes bright with a look I’d created in those amazing baby blues.

I’d taken that picture after kissing her, so her lips were swollen and damp. There was a slight flush to her cheeks because she was about to make all my dreams of us together come true. Just looking at her in that moment I’d felt like I could conquer the world as long as she kept looking at me like that.

The girl on the screen stared up at me like she would love me forever, for another two seconds before the screen went blank. My chest tight from the memories, I tossed my phone onto the sink and gripped the edges as I sucked in one deep breath after another.

What the hell was I doing?

I should have been back in Virginia.

I never should have left.

Chapter 5


Two days. That was all it took before I realized I was in hell. By Friday I was convinced I’d made a promise to my mother to live with Satan and her minions when I’d agreed to my mother’s last wish.

Jillian did nothing but constantly nag me to do my hair and makeup. I spent more time arguing with her over it not being her decision to make if I left the house with a messy bun or perfect hair every morning. Who the hell cared if I had on enough makeup to pass for a damn clown? She was trying to change me and I wasn’t about to be railroaded into changing my entire personality for her or anyone else.

It didn’t help that Georgia was just as bad as her mother. Or that it looked like Carolina was quickly turning into the two airheads that I was forced to share a roof with. By the end of the second week living with my father—whom I rarely saw—and his family, I was ready to say screw it. I could live with the guilt of not getting to know Scott Montez and the family he’d turned his back on me for. I was pretty sure I wasn’t going to feel guilty at all.

Well, not too much anyway. The only guilt I would feel was from letting my mother down.

Damn it.

Thinking of my mother was the only reason I was able to get through each day. I missed her so much at times it was all I could do not to break down and cry as I lay in my bed every night. Talking to Angie, Caleb and Carter each night helped some, and I was sure if it weren’t for my new friendship with Lucy Thornton that I would be lost in my own heartbreakingly endless grief.

What had my mom been thinking when she had come up with the idea that I would be better off in California with Scott rather than with the three people who were the only real family I’d ever known? Had she not understood that I would grieve for her? That I would feel lost and alone and that shipping me off to my biological father the instant she was in the ground would destroy me?

Maybe she hadn’t thought of that at all, but I sure as hell wondered about it every night as I tried not to cry myself to sleep.

Today was Saturday and for the most part I’d avoided leaving my room as much as possible. It was better for everyone if I stayed in my bedroom. Every time I saw Jillian we ended up arguing and I was past caring if I hurt anyone’s feelings in this house. Two days after arriving, I’d finally had enough of letting the three chicks that I now shared a house that was more prison than home with, run over me.

Georgia only had herself to blame for the pink food coloring I’d put into her shampoo and conditioner. Carolina shouldn’t have been quick to follow in her big sister’s footsteps because I hadn’t played favorites Copyright 2016 - 2024