Rocking His Fake World (Love You Forever #3) - Alexis Winter Page 0,1


I shrug one shoulder as I take a sip. “My whole life, basically, but we didn’t form the band until two years ago.”

“Well, you looked sexy up there. I get off at 2 a.m. if you wanna hang around.”

I give him a flirty smile. “I would, but I actually have to work in the morning.”

“You work?” He arches one of his pierced eyebrows.

“Doesn’t everybody? I mean, being in a band is great, but you don’t make much when you have to split the $500 you make at a gig with five people.”


I nod and give him a duh look. “We have a roadie. The guys decided they wanted to party more than lug equipment around.”

“And get to hang out with you in the process? Hell, I’d do that for free.” He places his forearms on the bar and leans in just a bit.

“Oh, well, then you’re hired. Be ready to rock at 9 p.m. tomorrow. We’re playing at The Ol’ Pub across town.”

He laughs. “Well, unfortunately, I’ll be here slinging drinks.”

I snap my fingers. “Damn, and I thought this was destiny.”

He laughs at my joke and pushes himself off the bar. “Another time, perhaps.”

“I’ll see ya around.” I take my drink and walk through the bar, trying to find a table that’s open and big enough to seat the entire band. In the far back corner, there’s one booth left. I squeeze through the crowd and take a seat, scooting to the center to wait for the guys, but before they can find me to claim their seats, the whole booth fills up with random guys who saw me on stage and want to try their luck.

I’m fielding questions left and right while trying to be as polite as possible, but the drunk assholes don’t seem to take the hint. Van appears and sees that I’m trapped. He walks over to the table and looks down at the four guys who have managed to cram themselves into our booth.

“Oh, hey,” he says, looking carefree, “I didn’t realize you’d all joined the band.”

One dumbass looks up. “Oh, no. We just wanted to get to know Luna here a little better. I mean, can you blame us? She’s sexy as fuck, and those lips . . . they’d look great wrapped around a cock, don’t you think?”

Van smirks. “Yeah, they really do. Mine.” He grabs the guy by the front of his shirt and yanks him up out of the booth. He spins him around and threatens to whip his ass before pushing him back into the crowd of people. The rest of the guys take the hint and book it out of there. When Van turns back around to face me, he sees all the guys have vacated and smiles as he plops down.

“You’re welcome.”

I shake my head as a smile plays on my lips. “I didn’t say thank you.” I take a sip. “What if I actually wanted one of them?”

He frowns. “Did you?”

“No,” I laugh out.

Van and I are the best of friends and always have been. We bonded over our love of music and formed this band together. Nothing has ever happened between us, but that doesn’t stop people from thinking that we are doing something. And on rare occasions like tonight, he claims we’re together to get other assholes to leave me alone. Other than our pretend relationship in times of need, we’re just bandmates and best friends.

“Where are dumb and dumber?”

Van lifts his hand, motioning toward the bar. “Looking for their next conquest.”

I roll my eyes and shake my head. “If those dumbasses aren’t careful, they’re going to catch a nasty STI before we even have a shot at fame.”

He laughs and leans in to say, “That or they’ll fuck up and knock up one of these women. Can you imagine the child support a rock star has to pay?” His eyes double as he pictures the number.

I smile. “Better make sure you’re wrapping it up tight.”

He scoffs. “Why the hell do you think I’m over here with you? It’s not for my health.” He shrugs. “Or I guess in a way, it kind of is,” he laughs out.

I finish off my drink and push the glass away. “I think I’m going to call it a night, big shot.” I start to slide my way out of the booth.

“I guess I’ve got the van and the equipment?”

“You think I would trust that big of a job to those two jackoffs?” I point in their direction, but Copyright 2016 - 2024