Rock Wedding (Rock Kiss #4) - Nalini Singh Page 0,36

of her ass. Her scream as she came. His cock pulsing inside her.

Oh, thank God.

They were inside the house. Her knees quivered as she broke contact with Abe. The rest of the wedding party was already heading upstairs.

The whole time she was climbing up, she could feel Abe’s eyes on her ass.

She told herself it was her imagination, but her tingling skin and flushed face didn’t think so; then she reached the top of the stairs and turned… and caught him in the act. “Stop it,” she hissed under her breath.

His response was a grin, his eyes traveling slowly up her body—and lingering on every curve along the way. Her thighs clenched, her body damp in that dark, secret place only Abe knew exactly how to touch.

“I’m a red-blooded man, Sarah,” he said when he finally reached her eyes, “and, sweetheart, you have one hell of an ass.”

She was both flattered and aggravated by him. Especially when he looked so damn good grinning up at her. And damn it, yes, it felt good to be told she had “one hell of an ass” by this man who had always pushed her buttons.

Glaring at him when his grin deepened—as if he could read her thoughts—Sarah stalked off to join the others.

Charlotte was laughingly picking flower petals out of Molly’s hair. As Sarah watched, Fox shook his head, showering the floor with splashes of silky pink, cream, and deep yellow. Regardless of his action, his arm remained around Molly. The lead singer’s smile was huge, the kisses Molly kept dropping on his cheek adorable; it was clear she was aiming for the lean dimple in his left cheek.

“Congratulations, man,” Abe said, walking over to haul the lead singer into a hug that lifted him off his feet.

Grinning, Fox slapped Abe on the back before they broke apart to do that complicated handshake thing Sarah had never been able to master even after Abe tried to teach her one lazy Saturday morning, both of them laughing when she gave up and made up a random handshake of her own.

Pushing aside the melancholy that threatened to envelop her at the reminder of how young she’d been, how hopeful, Sarah bent to kiss Molly on the cheek, then gave her a heartfelt hug. “Congratulations. I am so happy for you.”

“Thank you!” Molly’s dark eyes were full of light.

Delighted for her, Sarah stepped back so Kit, too, could hug the bride. She ended up bumping straight into the hard wall of muscle that was her ex-husband. Who hooked an arm around her waist before she could move away. “You look edible,” he murmured, his breath brushing her sensitive earlobe.

Which Abe knew all about.

Sarah’s heart rate had never quite slowed down. Now it kicked again, the heat of his touch sinking through the fabric of her dress to soak into her skin. Turning on a wave of need, she said, “I like you in formal wear.” She couldn’t help herself; she reached over to fix his tie. It hadn’t been out of place—she just wanted an excuse to touch him even knowing it was a bad, bad idea.

Allowing her hand to lie on his chest for a second, she drew in a breath… and glimpsed Noah watching them, interest alive in the gray of the guitarist’s eyes. She flushed, dropped her hand, and turned to face the bride and groom once more.

“Let go of my waist,” she muttered to Abe at the same time.

“Make me,” said the man holding her prisoner.

Sarah knew she could move away, but she didn’t want to draw attention to the two of them. And her traitorous body didn’t want to break contact—having Abe messing with her was more fun than it should be.

Deciding to fight fire with fire, she shifted slightly, just enough to angle a look at him from under her lashes. It was a very specific look, one that had never failed to have a certain effect on Abe.

“Fuck.” It was a hard, barely audible sound.

Despite that staccato word, he didn’t release her. Instead, he stroked his hand down to her hip and began to move his thumb back and forth, back and forth over a particular spot. Their position at the end of the semicircle of friends meant no one could see what he was doing.

“Abe.” Her voice came out strangled.

Leaning close as if to ensure he heard what she was saying, Abe said, “You started it.” His breath was hot, his chest hard where it touched her shoulder.

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