Rock Wedding (Rock Kiss #4) - Nalini Singh Page 0,102

under a comforter. With him spooning her as he usually did in bed, she didn’t even really need a sheet.

Stretching out against him, she gently stroked her bump. It was a far more defined curve than she could’ve imagined a month earlier, as if the baby had decided to change position and plonk down in front of her belly.

Hang on, Peanut, she said silently. Just a few more months.

A bigger hand joined hers, Abe’s breath warm on the back of her neck as he said, “Baby, we’re still in bed.” It was a drowsy rumble.

She smiled, that smile cutting deep into her cheeks. “We are.”

“It’s light out. I don’t remember waking up in between.”

“You didn’t.” Laughing, she turned to face him. “I didn’t throw up once, and I feel so good. Let’s go eat.”

“We’ve been here before,” he said darkly.

“This is different.” She pressed her lips to his. “I’m starving. I want pancakes with syrup and berries and all that good stuff. I know a place.”

Abe cuddled her close. “Gimme one more minute.”

She kissed his chest, waited. “Okay, minute’s over. Wake up.”

He called her a torturer but rose, stumbled into the shower after she’d already jumped in and out. He did dress quickly afterward though, and they were ready to go fifteen minutes after waking up.

She’d worn loose clothing to hide the bump, but the one good thing about morning sickness was that she and Abe had gone out so little over the past month that the media had lost interest and wandered off to juicier pastures. As a result, the drive to the breakfast place went by with absolutely no paparazzi intrusion. Once there, Abe let her order for them both. She made sure to add bacon and eggs and toast to his order of pancakes, then after a thought, asked for fruit salad as well.

Abe was a big guy and he burned energy. Especially given how much he exercised—with her so sick over the past weeks, he’d stopped going to the gym. Instead, he’d taken to working out in her backyard so he’d be close if she needed him—and wow, he was incredible to watch when he got all hot and sweaty.

Fox, Noah, and David had come over to hang and work out with him, but though every member of the band made nice eye candy that she was perfectly happy to admire, Abe was the only one whose body made her mouth water.

She had to feed that muscle.

For herself, she got a giant heap of pancakes with berries and syrup.

Their waitress, an older bleached blonde named Betty, beamed as she brought over the food. The hair might’ve been an incongruous shade for her age, but her bones were the kind that meant she’d be beautiful until she died. “You two were so cute together at the awards.” Plates on the table, she patted Sarah on the shoulder with the familiarity of old acquaintance, though this was the first time they’d ever met.

Sarah smiled at the genuine warmth in the other woman’s tone. “Thank you.”

“I saved the clippings for our walls just in case you two ever came in.”

Those walls bore all kinds of memorabilia and articles about the celebrities who’d eaten at the diner.

“Really?” Sarah hadn’t given a thought to the media coverage of the awards. She’d been too busy trying to keep down her food. “Can I see them?”

Abe, who’d already started to eat, scowled. “Forget that shit, Sarah.”

“I want to see.” She glared at him. “I looked really good that night and so did you.”

“Yes, you did!” Betty hurried off to get the clippings.

Digging into the pancakes in the interim, Sarah moaned. “These are so good.”

Abe stared at her mouth. “Stop making those sounds or you won’t get to finish the stack.”

Shivering, Sarah licked her tongue playfully over her lips.

Betty returned with the clippings before the smoldering rock star across the table could pay her back for her teasing. “I’ll leave you to look at them in peace,” she said with another friendly pat on the shoulder. “Just holler if you need anything.”

Sarah had really only wanted to see the pictures, but Betty had brought the articles too, and wow, the media had actually portrayed her in a positive light—not simply as an accessory, not as a throwaway groupie. No, she’d been listed as Abe’s ex-wife and “a rising business mogul.”

She giggled. “Mogul. Ha! Someone likes hyperbole.”

“Hey, you’ll be a mogul before you’re done,” Abe responded. “I’ll be your boy toy forever.”

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