Rock Star's Girl (A Hollywood Dating Story #1) - Jennifer Farwell Page 0,77

to the stage. Our source reports that he dedicated Blistering Twilight’s smash hit “Vibrational” to her, and that he stared at her for the entire last verse of the song. As he strummed the final strains of the tune on his guitar, he asked her if she would make him the happiest and luckiest guy living by giving him another chance. (We swoon.)

We hear that Emily, looking teary-eyed and speechless, could only nod. The two shared the touching, romantic moment caught on camera by one of our readers, along with a nice, long smooch. The scene that unfolded in front of Cory’s audience was met with cheers, whistles, and applause.

We also hear that Jesse Cinder was in attendance at the show and confronted Emily outside of the venue when she tried to leave. An onlooker reports that after saying her piece, the Em-Girl walked away. Smart move, Emily. I guess Cory asking you for a second chance right in front of him, and the mini-makeout that followed right after, still wasn’t obvious enough for Flameboy to get a clue. Here’s a hint for you, Jesse: she’s taken. And last we checked, you were putting the moves on Darcy Cross. One girl at a time, slugger. Otherwise, this shiz gets messy.

How do all you Hood-lums feel about Wally Hood’s favorite couple being back together????

The article that had been posted next, and which was currently the top story on the page, was a lot shorter.

Was Emily Watts Ever Seeing Jesse Cinder?

It could be the love triangle that wasn’t. Just when we thought we had the real scoop of the night about Emily Watts, Cory Sampson, and Jesse Cinder, it turns out there’s more. A LOT more.

Check out this video of the conversation that happened between the Em-Girl and Flameboy outside of the Hotel Café tonight, which was just posted by the folks over at Tinseltown Buzz.

Does this mean that Emily was never dating Jesse at all and that she didn’t cheat on C-Samp or dump him for Flameboy? Innnnnnnnnnnteresting.

The most popular celebrity gossip blog in North America had fallen for it, ensuring the record would be set straight about her alleged relationship with Jesse in the days to come. She knew, though, that the real story of tonight and the weeks that had led up to it had to come directly from her, in a way that left no room for misinterpretation.

Sitting on her bed, she thought for a few minutes. Then she brought her fingers back to her laptop keyboard and opened Twitter on her screen. She saw from the trending topics scrolling across the page that both she and Cory were popular subjects tonight. The story of what had happened at the Hotel Café looked to be spreading fast.

It’s time to do what any good media darling of the twenty-first century would do, she thought, clicking on Twitter’s signup button. Why wait for more secondhand accounts of what had actually happened? Now that she’d planted the seed and her conversation with Jesse had been captured on video for the world to see, she could just tell everyone herself.

First, she needed a username. Em2theWorld, she typed into the field.

Next, her name and location. The REAL Emily Watts. Hollywood, California.

Now for her first tweet, in 140 characters or less. She knew exactly who to direct it to for maximum impact.

For the record, WallyHoodHWood, I’m not seeing Cory OR Jesse. How about the real story?

She sent the tweet, then set about adding every entertainment media site or journalist she could find on Twitter. It was probably an unnecessary step given that they’d eventually find her on their own, especially if Wally Hood replied to her. Still, she liked to think that she could help the journalistic process along, in her own way.

She clicked back to Wally Hood’s site and copied his email address from the side of the page, then opened a new email using her Zeeked account and pasted it into the “To” field. Just in case he hadn’t seen her tweet yet or had any doubt it was really her, she sent him her Twitter handle and repeated her question. She knew he could easily verify her email address against the contact email that appeared on Zeeked, and that the email would help to convince him she was who her Twitter profile claimed her to be.

Finally, she switched to her personal email account and began to type a letter to Cory.


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