Rock Star's Girl (A Hollywood Dating Story #1) - Jennifer Farwell Page 0,54

why you’d ask that. First, with Cady and me, that was a mutual decision. I know you’ve heard a lot of different things about how our relationship ended, but it was amicable. We remain friends, and despite what you’ve written recently, that’s all we are. If we weren’t, it would get awkward with us being on the same label and having a lot of the same friends.

Q: So “Unrequited” isn’t about you and Cady, or you and Emily?

A: No, not at all. “Unrequited” was written while Cady and I were still dating, and long before I met Emily. When that song came together, we—all the guys in the band and our producer, Skylar Wayne—we all knew that the melody, the lyrics, everything, expressed a feeling that almost everyone can identify with. We knew it was the first single pretty much right away.

Q: Are any of the songs on the album about some of your more famous love and relationship moments?

A: I always hesitate to get into direct associations with songs and events in my life, or in the rest of the band’s life. I think the beauty of music is that someone can hear a song and personally identify with it, or feel some sort of personal connection to it. I think if you start making it all about you, whether it was inspired by something in your own life or not, it detracts from the very thing I love most about making music.

Q: You’ll be taking your music back on the road soon, won’t you?

A: [Nods.] We’re definitely back on the road soon. The tour will be kicking off in about three months, here in L.A. We’ll be doing a few other shows between now and then. Our new album, Believe, drops in about six weeks. I can’t wait to share it with the world, and I’m excited to get back out there and see everyone.

“Say something, please. Some kind of reaction.” Shelby’s voice broke into Emily’s intense focus on the screen. She sat down on the sofa beside her.

“He looks good in this photo.” Emily ripped her eyes away from the words she’d been reading and pointed to a photo near the top of the page. “He must have brushed his hair. Looks like he shaved, too.” She closed the article.

“That’s it?” Shelby studied Emily’s face.

“What do you want me to say?”

“There’s nothing I want you to say,” Shelby replied. “I just thought you might react a little bit differently.”

“I’m too tired to give it the effort. And I’ve learned enough over the last few weeks to know when I can’t win.” Emily sat back against the sofa cushions, wearing a look of defeat.

“So you’re just going to let these guys walk all over you, for whatever self-serving reasons they have?”

Emily didn’t answer. Instead, she picked up her phone from the coffee table and started typing a text message.

“What are you doing?” Shelby asked.

Emily ignored her question, and re-read the words she’d typed. You’re kidding me. Succinct and to the point. She sent the text before she could change her mind.

Her text alert chimed about thirty seconds later. A message from Cory appeared on her screen. Can we talk?

“Who are you texting?” Shelby craned her neck, trying to see the message on Emily’s phone. Emily moved away from her and started typing again.

I think you said it all in that Wally Hood interview, don’t you? Send.

Cory responded within seconds. I was being honest. I really do miss you.

Nice of you to miss me now, while making me out to be the one who left you high and dry. If I’m remembering this right, you’re the one who bailed on me and started getting chummy with your ex.

Emily’s phone started to ring. “No way, buddy,” she said, declining the call.

“Would you please tell me what you’re doing?” Shelby moved her hands to her hips.

“That jerk has the nerve to say he misses me, and now he’s trying to call me.”

“You were texting with Cory? Do I need to take away your phone?”

“I had to say something.” Emily looked down at the screen, expecting her voicemail alert to sound any moment. Instead, her phone began to ring again. She declined the call for a second time, and then turned her phone off.

“You can have it if you want it.” She held her phone out to Shelby.

Shelby shook her head. “It’s a little late for that.”

“Maybe now he’ll understand how it feels.”

“I wouldn’t bet on it,” Shelby muttered. “Are you going Copyright 2016 - 2024