Rock Star's Girl (A Hollywood Dating Story #1) - Jennifer Farwell Page 0,16

low and hoarse. He tilted her chin upward, bringing her face just inches from his.

She felt his breath against her cheek and found herself holding her own. Trying to focus her thoughts to answer his question, she felt his lips graze her jawbone, and then move up to the tip of her nose. Finally, they pressed softly against her mouth.

She relaxed into the kiss. Jesse must have noticed, because his hands began roaming her body. He shifted closer to her, guiding her to lie back on the sofa. Before Emily knew it, she was below him, their kisses growing more intense as Jesse pressed his body against hers.

He undid the belt around her tunic and slid it off her waist. Her tunic was the next thing to go, and then his lips and hands were everywhere.

“Jesse, what are we doing?” she asked, feeling him tug at the waistband of her leggings and try to slide the fabric off of her hips.

“Enjoying each other. And it’s about time we fooled around.”

Fooling around, Emily thought. His words were like a bucket of ice water being dumped over her head. Of course that’s all this was.

She nudged him off of her so she could sit up. Jesse must not have sensed the change in her mood, because he continued trailing kisses along her collarbone and fumbled with her bra clasp.

Emily caught his hand, stopping him from removing any more of her clothes. He looked up, a question in his eyes.

“Too fast?” he said.

“Something like that.” She reached over to the floor to grab her tunic and pulled it back over her head.

“Are you kicking me out?” He kissed the top of her head, then wrapped his arms around her.

She fought with her answer for a few seconds. Her sensible side lost.

“No,” she told him. “Stay for a while. Just slow down a little, okay? You know I’m not a fooling around kind of girl, and that this would mean something to me.” Emily released herself from his arms and stood up.

“Where are you going?”

“To get a blanket.” She picked up the TV remote from her speaker and tossed it over to him. “Find something to watch.”

She returned a minute later with a blanket and her pillow and set them at the end of the sofa opposite Jesse. Lying down, she brought her knees to her chest, trying to fit into the space between her end of the sofa and where Jesse was sitting.

He eyed her position on the sofa. “That can’t be comfortable.”

“You could move to the floor so I can stretch out,” she suggested.

“Or you could move over and I could lie down beside you.” She gave him a doubtful look. “I’ll behave this time, I promise.”

She wasn’t sure if she believed him. She also didn’t trust herself to resist his kisses and caresses if he started making out with her again. Even so, she moved over on the sofa. He laid down beside her.

“Comfortable?” he asked.

She nodded, staring straight ahead and trying to pay attention to the re-run of Friends that was on her TV. They laid together in silence, letting the sound of the audience’s laughter fill the room.

A commercial came on the screen, and she felt Jesse shift behind her. She turned her head to glance over at him and saw he had propped his head up with his arm, his elbow against the sofa cushion.

“Can you promise me something?” he asked.

“What’s that?” She looked away from him, burrowing deeper under the blanket.

“That you’ll call Cory. I think he’d be good for you.”

She nodded, trying not to yawn. “Okay, Jess. Whatever you say.”

The last word she spoke was swallowed by another yawn. She closed her eyes, too sleepy to try and analyze why Jesse of all people would want her to call Cory. That didn’t make sense, especially since he was here with her now and had been trying to make out with her tonight.

“Are you sleeping here?” she asked.

“I’ll stay,” he promised.

Jesse gently draped his arm over her. It was the last thing she was aware of before the voices coming from the TV speakers lulled her to sleep.

Emily awoke to the sound of her cell phone ringing. She kept one eye shut against the bright sunshine that bounced across the walls of her living room and blinked when she realized she wasn’t in her bed.

Who would call on a Saturday morning? she wondered, getting up from the sofa to retrieve her phone from the kitchen counter. She Copyright 2016 - 2024