Rock Radio - By Lisa Wainland Page 0,99

searched for Dana’s cell number.

His phone rang.

“Jonny, it’s Ted, we need you in the GM’s office now.”

Jonny sprang from his chair, nearly sprinting to the office. He walked in and saw a grim faced Ted and Heather sitting across from GM, Bill Fox.

“Jonny, have a seat,” Bill said, motioning to the empty chair next to Ted.

He silently lowered himself into the chair.

“Jonny, this is a very unfortunate situation. Two people partaking in this kind of relationship.” He pounded his fist on his desk like a gavel and gave Jonny his concerned look. “But I understand this relationship was consensual. Heather has signed an agreement stating that. We need you to do the same.”

Okay, good, she signed the paper. No lawsuit.

“Sure,” he said picking up a pen from the GM’s desk. Bill pushed the paper towards him. He scanned it briefly. The wording was simple. Each was acknowledging they had a consensual relationship with each other. He signed quickly.

“Very good,” Bill said. “Don’t go anywhere.”

He buzzed his secretary, Kim, to come in and photocopy the document. The three sat in silence. Kim returned moments later. Bill took one copy and handed it to Heather.

“This is for you,” he said, “and best of luck on Long Island.”

“Thank you,” Heather said, taking the copy. She peeked at Jonny out of the corner of her eye. He was staring blankly straight ahead, completely unaware of her. Oh well, she thought, he served his purpose. She was a disc jockey now. She didn’t need him anymore. And with that final thought, she left the office.

As soon as the door closed, Bill began speaking. “Jonny, this is quite a mess you got yourself into and I’m not quite sure what to do with you.”

“Sir, I’m sorry.”

“Are you?” Bill folded his arms behind his head and leaned back in his chair causing the chair to squeak. Bill was a very large man with a very large ego. “Tell me why I shouldn’t fire you right now.” He also was on a very big power trip and loved the idea of holding someone’s fate in his hands.

“As you know I am a very hard worker. I put a lot into my shifts...”

“Ted told me you were voice tracking to go sleep with Heather. Is that putting a lot into your shift?” He raised his eyebrows.

“No, sir.” Jonny answered realizing at this point contrition was probably the only way out.

“So what are you worth to me? As far as I can see you’re a loose cannon who is extremely full of himself.”

“I can change, believe me, this was a hard earned lesson. My wife left me.”

“She should have.”

The words stung. “I know.”

“Well, I’ve made my decision.” In fact, Bill had made his decision before Jonny even opened his mouth, he just wanted to see the little bastard sweat.

“Okay,” Jonny said, his mouth dry.

“I won’t fire you, but you will be suspended for two weeks without pay, plus you will lose your bonus and your raise for this year.”

“But...” The suspension without pay he could understand, but denying him his raise? He needed the money. They were attacking his livelihood.

“But, what? If you don’t like it you don’t have to stay.”

Jonny was cornered. He did need them more than they needed him. If he left, where would he go? They certainly wouldn’t give him a glowing recommendation. Besides, here he was known in the community. He was Jonny Rock. He was a star. He had no choice.

“I’ll take the deal.”

“Good,” Bill said, folding his hands. “Now, you don’t discuss this with anyone. No one at all. And keep your pants on.”

Jonny nodded.

“You’re dismissed.” Jonny rose silently from his seat, head down.

“I’ll talk to you later,” Ted, the silent witness said as if to show Jonny that he had power too.

Jonny left and trudged back to his office.

He slumped into his chair.

And cried.

Chapter 69

Cody woke up at his house in Gainesville still reeling from the night before. His father had been living off the money he was earning. His mother let him back in her life, her house and presumably, her bed.

After everything his dad had done.

Cody was angry beyond words. He was livid. He picked up the phone to call Dana. He didn’t get a chance to phone her last night because he got home too late. He hoped she wasn’t mad. He really needed her right now.

He dialed her at home and got her answering machine. Disappointed, he left a message, then tried her at work. Again, he got Copyright 2016 - 2024