Rock Radio - By Lisa Wainland Page 0,93

disbelief. The disconnection beep stirred him from his momentary lapse. He replaced the hook in shock. His marriage, his was all falling around him.

Jonny went back into the kitchen and began rummaging through the cabinets. He searched frantically finally finding Dana’s small stash of alcohol and wine. She wasn’t a big drinker, so every holiday bottle that she’d ever received as a gift was sitting in the back of the cupboard. Next to the wine were barely touched bottles of rum and vodka. He grabbed both liquor bottles, a tall glass and returned to the couch. He poured half a glass of rum and drank it quickly. The alcohol scorched his throat.

He didn’t mind the pain.

He finished glass, after glass, after glass.

And then passed out.

Chapter 65

Larry watched the seaplane make its quick descent onto the water from the comfort of his stretch black limousine. His palms began to sweat. Within minutes the passengers began to disembark. He placed on his dark sunglasses, adjusted his hat and stepped out of the limousine with his pre-made sign in hand - it read “DANA DREW.”

He saw person after person step off the plane. He grew anxious. He’d checked the flight every half-hour that morning to ensure it was on time and he was there for its arrival. And then, his fears were allayed. There she was. Dana. A bit more tan, her black hair flowing in the wind...she looked unbelievable. He held his sign up high.

Dana saw the man by the limousine and her heart caught in her throat. Yes, that was her name he was holding on the sign. A limo ride. Cody had really outdone himself. His surprises were getting better each time, but they were still no substitute for him.

“Hey, check that out,” she said to Sharon, motioning to the limo.

“From the station?”

“I think from Cody...he said he had a surprise for me when I get back.”

“He loves you a lot,” Sharon said, a hint of jealousy in her voice.

Dana smiled. “So I guess I won’t need that ride from you back home.”

“All right,” Sharon said, turning to give Dana a good-bye hug, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Yep. Take care.” Dana breezed by and walked to the limousine.

Larry couldn’t believe it. His plan was in action.

“Hey,” she said grinning, “I’m Dana Drew.”

“Then this ride is yours,” Larry said. “Let me take your bags.”

She obliged, following him to the trunk of the car. “This is an amazing surprise from Cody. What did he say?”

Cody? Who’s Cody? Larry decided to go with it. Whoever this Cody was, the idea that he had something to do with this was obviously making Dana calm and agreeable and that was fine with him.

“Yeah, he’s a great guy.”

“So what did he say?” Dana probed.

Larry thought fast. “He said he hopes you enjoy the ride.”

“Was that it?” she said, hoping for more.

“Umm yeah.” He shrugged his shoulders. What else do you want from me? And why are you thinking of this Cody? I’m the one you’re supposed to be thinking of!

“Okay...sorry, I didn’t mean to be a pest.” She looked apologetically at the thin man with the light brown eyes before her. For a moment, she thought he looked familiar, but the moment passed quickly.

“Would you care to step in?” Larry opened her car door.

“Yeah. What’s your name again?”

Larry hadn’t anticipated so many questions. “Uh...Larry.” Fuck! He wasn’t going to say his real name until later.

“Thanks,” she said, brushing by him to get into the car.

Larry breathed a sigh of relief. She didn’t recognize him yet. That was good. He wanted her to see him in his true element, not as some lousy limo driver. He shut the door and got into the front seat. There he poured a glass of champagne and put three sleeping pills into it. He waited for them to dissolve before lowering the partition that separated them. He decided to go with the Cody angle.

“Dana, this is a special treat from Cody.” He reached back and handed her the champagne flute.

“Oh, thanks,” she said, taking it without question.

Larry smiled, so proud of himself for thinking so fast on his feet. He began to pull out of the parking lot, watching her in the rearview mirror slowly sip the champagne.

“So did you have a nice trip?” he asked.

“Wonderful,” she answered. Dana sipped the champagne, thinking of her weekend with Cody. She took another drink of the sweet liquid. She missed him terribly.

Larry drove in silence, heading onto the highway. He kept an eye Copyright 2016 - 2024