Rock Radio - By Lisa Wainland Page 0,63

perfect,” Cody said about their spot on the beach.

“It is,” Dana said...answering the question in her head.

They watched the bright blue sky change. The sun was suddenly clearly visible in front of them. A perfect sphere of fiery light. Purple, indigo and orange streaked the sky as the sun slowly descended toward the water. As it neared the horizon, the sun seemed to slip quickly into the sea, pulling the light with it. The sky remained illuminated briefly and then began to turn dark. A cool breeze kicked up some sand around them.

“Dana,” Cody began, wrapping his arms around her, “I don’t know what’s happening between us...”

Oh God, she thought, here comes the letdown.

“And I know we both live kinda crazy lives...”

Breathe, Dana, just breathe.

“But there’s something...some...I don’t know,” his voice trailed. “I want to find out where this may lead.”


He continued. “Does any of this make any sense to you?” The words tumbled from his mouth.

She looked into his eyes. “It does.”

“I was hoping you’d say that.”

“I’m a little scared,” Dana said truthfully.

“Me too, but I want to try. There are phones.”

“Yes, thank you Alexander Graham Bell.” He smiled at her joke. “But it’s going to be hard.” Dana was being realistic.

“Nothing in life worth having isn’t.”

“That’s true...but doesn’t make it better.” Dana was skeptical.

“Look at me,” Cody said, gazing into her eyes, determined to fill the empty place in his heart that once belonged to Laura. “This is possible.”

Fresh off misreading her situation with Sam, Dana slightly balked. “It is going to be hard though, never really seeing each other.” She played devil’s advocate, arguments against this flooded her mind. And you are younger...and I need to be more cautious with my heart. I can’t deal with another Sam situation.

“I agree, but, I don’t know, maybe I’m crazy. I’ve only known you...what?” he looked at his watch. “A day? Can I give us a day?”

She laughed, “Yeah.”

“Last night was was incredible. We both lead such odd lives with really difficult schedules, in that way, we understand each other.”


“And I also know it’s not easy to meet someone you connect with. I’ve never felt so close to someone so fast. I want to see where this goes.” He pulled her close.

Dana didn’t expect these words from this gorgeous man. He was on his way to fame, of that she was sure, why was he so willing to commit to her? Stop, she told herself, hating the self-doubt that entered her mind. Why wasn’t she someone worth pursuing?

“You’re not answering.” Cody looked at Dana and saw a glimpse of apprehension on her part. It worried him. He hadn’t dated much since Laura and he missed the stability of a relationship in his life. He never had any consistency before Laura...his family was a power struggle of fear. He and his mother walked on eggshells around his father, always waiting for the bottom to drop out. When his dad left, happiness eluded them because of an ever-present fear of his return. When it became obvious his dad wasn’t coming back, the fear turned to disillusionment. Cody realized he was an adult and he had no idea what being a part of a family meant.

There was a hole in his heart keeping him from being whole.

Laura changed that. He thought Laura was the one who could make him complete, but she didn’t understand his life and wouldn’t sacrifice hers for him. Not that he could blame her, they were so young and he so foolish, thinking when she said it was over that she really meant it. He learned the hard way that women often don’t say what they really mean. His one night stand ruined any chance for reconciliation. Not that he even wanted to get back with Laura after his fling. The fact that he had been with someone else made him feel like there was no way they could ever get back together. The hurt of betrayal would always be present in her eyes and he wouldn’t be able to live with himself. In these past few years on the road he’d met women here and there, but no one special. Until now. Dana made him feel something unexplainable and he didn’t want the feeling to end.

Cody waited expectantly for Dana’s answer.

“I must be losing my mind...” she said smiling.

He kissed her as if to seal their understanding.

“So what happens now?”

“We’re heading to Panama City, Tallahassee, Jacksonville...then up the Southeast coast. I should be able to steal some Copyright 2016 - 2024