Rock Me Faster (Licks of Leather #4) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,99

so empowering, so compelling I could only do one thing—shatter with her.

“Open…your eyes, baby…look at me,” I growled between clenched teeth, desperately clinging to the last vestige of control.

Harmony complied, blinking rapidly as if trying to clear the fog of lust coating her brain, as she panted my name on a dreamy whisper.

As I continued manically thrusting into her wicked core, the familiar, searing vibration of release hummed through me.

“Come with me, gorgeous. Let’s fly…together.”

“Yes. Oh, god…yes,” she mewled.

Harmony dug her nails deeper into my flesh.

Eyes still locked on mine, her body bowed…arching off the mattress.

Her muscles turned to stone.

Then, as if Harmony had fused her empathic gifts to my soul, I felt our orgasms swell and surge in tandem.

The power and frenzy of a million tsunamis pressed in all around us.

Demand crested and swallowed us whole, sending us tumbling—as one—into a life-altering breaker of ecstasy.

Limbs trembling and lungs heaving, I collapsed onto my elbows before nuzzling my face to Harmony’s neck. As aftershocks twitched and pulsed through our joined bodies, my reverie of bliss was ripped apart by the soft sounds of her sobs.

Heart in my throat, I lifted and stared down into her watering eyes. Panic and fear clogging my throat, I sipped her tears and stroked a hand through her hair.

“I’m sorry, baby. I’m so fucking sorry I hurt you.”

She shook her head and sent me a pleading expression. “No. You didn’t. I-I’m not crying because I’m h-hurt or s-sad. I’m…crying b-because I n-never imagined… It w-was the m-most glorious experience of m-my life.”

“Oh, thank fuck.” Relief swept through me like a cyclone.

Wrapping Harmony in my arms, I tumbled to my side and onto my back, dragging her on top of me. With her head resting on my chest, I strummed my hands up and down her back as she softly cried.

“You make me the happiest woman on the planet.” Harmony sniffed.

“Not yet, but I’ll spend the rest of my life trying.”

She lifted her head and sent me a watery smile. “Oh, Ross. I love you so much.”

Instead of saying the words, I let my lips convey the depth of love spilling from inside my soul.

Long minutes later, when she’d stopped crying, I carried Harmony to the bathroom. After filling the spa tub with steaming-hot water and her favorite honeysuckle bath oil, I eased us into the churning swirls and pampered her with well-earned aftercare.

“I’m sure you noticed that I didn’t wear a condom,” I murmured. “I’m clean. I always have been. I just couldn’t stand the thought of putting any kind of barrier between us.”

“It’s okay. I wasn’t worried about that.”

“Are you worried I might have gotten you pregnant?”

“A little, but I wouldn’t call it worried. Curious maybe.”

“Really?” I grinned. “I wouldn’t mind one damn bit if you are.”

“You wouldn’t?” She blinked up at me, surprise written all over her face.

“Since we’re gonna start a family one of these days, might as well be now.”

“Oh, my. I love you.” Harmony grinned.

Cupping my nape, she dragged my lips to hers and kissed me with such passion my heart nearly exploded. I couldn’t get my fill of her, so we dried off and climbed back into bed. I made slow, sweet love to her again. Somehow, it was even better than the first time.

As dawn was beginning to break, I used my mouth to drag another quaking orgasm from Harmony’s sweet cunt. Sated, exhausted, and limbs tangled with hers, I tucked her against me. She nestled in close, rested her head on my shoulder and her hand on my heart while her breathing quickly evened out. I closed the blinds and waited until Harmony fell asleep before letting darkness pull me under.

My usual nightmare of cocaine, a crumpled Ferrari fuselage, the stench of copper-scented blood gushing over my fingers, and whispered apologies didn’t haunt me.

Instead, I found myself standing barefoot in lush, green grass, hand in hand with Harmony. We stood on top of her mountain watching the sunrise.

Like a surreal painting, the golden orb cresting on the horizon of a far-off ridge illuminated the sky in hues of pink and purple. Between our spot on the mountain surrounded by tall green pine, maples, oak, and colorful dogwoods were rows and rows of jagged treelined hills and valleys. Each one was brushed in gradient shades of azure fog.

Grudgingly peeling my eyes off the breathtaking vista before me, I cupped Harmony’s chin and gazed into her silver-blue eyes. “How in the world did you have the willpower to leave Copyright 2016 - 2024