Rock Me Faster (Licks of Leather #4) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,91


“Thank you. Thank you so much,” Dad choked. As a tear slid down his cheek, and many poured down mine, Bodhi shook Ross’s hand.

It was early evening, long hours after saying goodbye to Dad, Ozzy, Mia, Burk, Sofia, and Syd—as they piled into a limo bound for the airport—that Ross woke me from a much-needed nap with soft but insistent kisses.

As he leaned over me, I cupped his cheek with my working hand and let out a sleepy moan. Lifting my heavy eyelids, I saw a naughty smile tugging the corners of his lips.

“What are you up to?”

“About eight inches.” Flashing a cocky grin, he stood and glanced down his naked body, pausing at his swollen shaft.

“Mercy,” I whispered, my gaze now locked there, too.

I’d never seen a man naked, let alone a man naked and erect. Leaning up on my good elbow, I dragged an instantly aroused stare over every line, ridge, and plane of his sculpted torso. My fingers tingled to trace the flesh of his brown, flat nipples. My mouth watered with the ache to slide my tongue over his taut flesh and colorful tattoos. Even his navel made my girl parts throb in demand.

Skimming down farther, I sucked in a shaky breath and stalled another heart-stopping stare at his thick, wide, weeping erection. Like the rest of him, it was huge and lined with pulsating veins that sent tingles skipping through me. Maybe I should have been scared by the sheer size of his glorious girth, but I wasn’t. I was curious. I wanted to touch him…wanted to wrap my hand around his engorged flesh and feel the heat and weight of him in my palm.

“Oh, my,” I whispered, unconsciously licking my lips.

“Don’t do that, princess,” Ross growled hoarsely. “I’m hanging by a thread here. You keep looking at my cock like that while licking those pretty plump lips, and I’m going to lose all control.”

Please, do.

With a mournful moan, I pinched them together.

“This is going to get way harder than I expected,” Ross murmured.

“Harder?” I choked, gaze still locked on his shaft. “It looks like it’s going to burst through your skin already.”

Ross chuckled. “The only way I can get harder than this would be if I were inside you. But until you feel—”

“I feel great. That nap did wonders.” My breaths were quick and shallow.

“Oh, my little temptress. Let’s get you up and out of those clothes while I still have a sliver of restraint.”

When I sat up, I noticed his suitcases were sitting by the closet. Ross followed my line of sight and grinned.

“While you were sleeping, I checked out of my room and moved in here. You don’t mind, do you?”

“No, I’m glad you did.” And was even happier that there might be a future with Ross after all.

After attaching the plastic cover over my cast, Ross adjusted the water temperature and led me into the massive shower. I stood beneath the spray and moaned as it pelted my aching muscles. After shampooing my hair, Ross wrapped an arm around my waist and held on to me as I tipped my head back and rinsed the bubbles away. The feel of his thick, hot erection pressing against my stomach unleashed a riot of wanton cravings within.

By the time he finished repeating the process with my conditioner, my clit was throbbing like a drum, and my hips were bouncing against his all on their own.

“Harmony, baby…you gotta stop doing that,” Ross bit out between clenched teeth.

“I can’t help it,” I whimpered. “I ache so bad. I need you to take it away like you did the night of the concert.”

“I know, princess. I’m throbbing like a bitch here, too,” he growled, slathering his big hands in soap.

“Tell me what to do for you.”

“There’s nothing you can do, but I’ll help take your ache away again.”

Claiming my lips in a ravenous kiss, Ross swallowed my needy moans as he molded his hand against my waist and anchored me in place. Then he glided his other over my hip to the top of my thigh—leaving a trail of delicious sparks in its wake—before cupping my mound with his palm. His hand stilled, and I whimpered in need as he wrapped his tongue around mine and pulled me into his sweltering mouth.

Pulsing against his palm, I tried to alleviate the incessant throb by rocking myself against his hand, silently willing him to take the ache away. But Ross was in no hurry to put out my Copyright 2016 - 2024