Rock Me Faster (Licks of Leather #4) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,77

her tight, and kiss her lying lips.

The nurse turned to me. “I’m sorry, I-I didn’t realize you two were…”

“A couple? Yes. Yes, we are,” I lied, achingly aware that I wished it were the truth.

“If you’ll follow me.”

Mouthing a thank you to Sofia—who flashed me a wide grin and a wink—I followed the nurse to the recovery room. When I noticed several nurses scurrying around and only two bays where the curtains weren’t drawn, I understood why it had taken so long for us to get word about Harmony. Yet I wondered why we’d been the only ones in the waiting room. They’d no doubt put us in a separate area to keep from being recognized and hounded. When the nurse paused and pulled back one of the curtains, I held my breath and stepped around her. The sight of tubes and wires attached to Harmony’s pale, fragile body, now broken and bruised, made me want to howl. Still, she was the most beautiful woman on the planet.

“Oh, princess,” I moaned, moving in close alongside the bed.

Heart in my throat, I bent and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. As the curtain behind me closed, a tear slid down my cheek. I stroked her soft hair and brushed a feather-soft kiss across her lips, savoring the breath spilling from her nose and warming my mouth.

Though my brain knew she was alive, seeing and feeling the life inside her sent a tsunami of relief through my system.

“I was so scared…so fucking terrified that I was going to lose you, too.”

“Ross.” She breathed my name as if making a wish.

“I’m here, princess. I’m right here. Open your eyes. Come on, Harmony, open those pretty blue eyes and look at me.”

“Ross,” she whispered again, brows softly furrowing.

Suddenly, the curtain whipped open. I spun, ready to rail that I hadn’t even been with Harmony for two minutes, as a pretty young blonde entered the cubicle. I wiped my eyes and scowled when the woman pressed a hand to her heart and grinned.

“I thought they were messing with me.”

“Excuse me?”

“Sorry. I’m Courtney Joel. I’m the orthopedic surgeon who patched Harmony back up.”

“You’re the doctor who performed the surgery?”

“Yeah. I’m older and smarter than I look,” she teased.

“I didn’t mean… I wasn’t implying you weren’t smart.”

“Oh, my gosh. I-I’m making a fool of myself. I’m sorry, it’s just… I can’t believe I’m standing here talking to Ross Walker. I’ve been a huge fan of Licks since I was in college. I’m fangirling like crazy inside right now.”

“Don’t please. I’m just a…person.”

“You don’t understand.” Courtney smirked. “I’m an animal freak. I will rescue any critter that needs a home. My husband thinks I’m crazy, but he still loves me, thank god. Anyway, I have a husky named Burk because she loves to sing…okay, she howls, but I call it singing. Ozzy is my Persian cat who loves playing the piano app on my tablet. Then I have a parakeet I named Darren because he loves to pluck at his cage with his beak. I also have a spazzy leopard gecko named Syd, who loves to run around in his cage like Syd does on stage. And a fluffy Angora bunny named…Ross.”

“I’m a fluffy bunny?” I asked, totally insulted.

“Yes. The rabbit is huge. He weighs six and a half pounds, and when he stomps his foot, he reminds me of you banging your bass. But based on the bandages you’re wearing, I don’t think you’re going to be playing the drums for a while.” Courtney cringed. “Did you get tossed into the blender or something?”

“Felt like it. After splintering the bathroom door to toothpicks, I went through the glass shower enclosure.”

“Oh, ouch.”

“Yeah. If I have the choice, I’d rather not do that again.” I stared down at Harmony as visions of her flying through the air spooled through my brain like a nightmare. Guilt sliced through me. “I should have held on to her tighter.”

“Why? So, she could go through both doors with you?” the doctor challenged.

My stomach twisted. I hadn’t thought of that.

“Broken arm, ribs, and a sore knee is plenty for her. But Harmony is going to be fine. In fact, I’m here to check her out one more time before we move her to the Orthopedic floor. They have a room ready for her now.”

“I can go with her when they move her, right?”

“Sure, but it’ll cost you an autograph.” She handed me a pen and held out an arm of her lab coat.

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