Rock Me Faster (Licks of Leather #4) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,75

barked. “I have to see her.”

Long, interminable minutes later, I arrived at the ER. But the doctors and nurses refused to tell me anything about Harmony’s condition or how the others were doing. As they painstakingly pulled glass from my arms, neck, and face, I was ready to commit murder.

Quinn hurried into the room, flashing his phone in the doctor’s face…showing him the medical release form that Harmony had signed when she’d accepted his job. Ava had emailed it to him after contacting Bodhi and booking him a flight to New York.

“Tell him what he wants to know,” Quinn barked.

The doctor scowled at my agent’s demand and started typing on his tablet. “She suffered a dislocated knee, a few broken ribs.”

“How many ribs?”

“The X-ray showed two…possibly three. They’re prepping her now for surgery.”

“For what? What other injuries does she have?” I demanded.

“She has a compound fracture of the ulna. The orthopedic surgeon Mr. MacKinnon requested will probably use some plates and screws to reattach her bones, but she’ll be just fine.”

Plates and screws? Christ, they were going to cut her open and shove an erector set inside her.

“Let me out of here. I need to see her, now,” I barked.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Walker, I’m sure she’s already in surgery.”

“Quinn,” I implored.

“I’ll go find out.” He nodded grimly and hurried out the door.

It seemed an eternity before he returned and confirmed the doctor’s words, but Quinn assured me that Sofia—who was with the others in the OR waiting room—would text him with any updates.

The nurses finally plucked out all the glass and started stitching me up, while the doctor concluded that I had a mild concussion. Declining pain meds, for obvious reasons, I swallowed down some aspirin before they bandaged me up like a mummy. I was climbing the fucking walls before they handed me a stack of discharge papers and let me leave the medical prison cell.

When Quinn was finally able to lead me to the surgical waiting room, I got my first look at my battered, bruised, and bandaged family.

Burk was sporting a funky buzz cut and twelve stitches on the side of his head. A Velcro boot was wrapped around his right foot to support the strained ligaments in his ankle.

Sofia’s right arm was in a sling, tucked against her chest, and she had a nasty scrape on her shoulder.

Ozzy had a black eye, split lip, and six stitches on his cheek.

An ice pack was strapped to Mia’s knee. She had a split lip, as well, and a nasty bruise on her chin.

The gash in Syd’s left hand was wrapped in a thick white bandage.

A white mesh cast adorned Darren’s right arm. Thankfully, his was a clean break.

Mick’s left foot was covered with the same material, only in black, and a pair of crutches were resting across his lap.

Duke’s entire right arm was wrapped in bandages, and he had several stitches along the edge of his jaw.

We all looked like we’d been in a fucking war. Well, everyone but Kenny. The lucky prick, who’d been buckled in his seat, didn’t have a scratch on him. But I could see in his eyes that he was in as much pain—probably more—than the rest of us…the pain of guilt.

Clearly, Harmony had taken the brunt of the injuries, and I was out of my mind with worry and fear.

“You picked one hell of a time to take a shower, bro.” Syd smiled sadly.

“Oh, Ross. Jesus…look at you.” Sofia cringed.

“It’s just a flesh wound,” I quipped and immediately sobered. “Any word on Harmony?”

“None yet. We’re still waiting,” Burk said grimly.

“Did any of you see her or talk to her before they took her in for surgery?”

“We all did, brother,” Darren assured.


“She was out of her mind worried about you. Kept begging us to wheel her bed up to the ER so she could see you.”

“I tried everything in my power to get down here to her…” My voice cracked and tears stung my eyes. I whirled around so they couldn’t see me struggling to find control.

Sofia quietly eased up beside me and gently placed her hand on my arm. “She’s going to be okay. Try to stay strong for her. And if you can’t, then just lean on us.”

“Aw, sweet cheeks,” I croaked as the dam burst and tears slid down my cheeks.

Sofia silently wrapped her uninjured arm around me and stroked my back as my fear of losing Harmony ripped me to shreds. My band brothers instantly surrounded me and held Copyright 2016 - 2024