Rock Me Faster (Licks of Leather #4) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,59

Not now.”

“I never pegged you for a deeply religious man.”

“What?” His brows slashed in confusion.

“Never mind.” I softly laughed, then suddenly remembered. “Oh, I bought you something today.”


“Yeah. Well, technically, you bought yourself something since it was your money. I just picked it out for you.”

The flicker of surprise and happiness dancing in his eyes told me it had been a long, long time since anyone had done something nice for him. Suddenly, I wished I’d gotten him something…better, or more expensive.

It was too late now. But I could always surprise him again.

I opened my beaded clutch and pulled out a little silver key chain that was a tiny replica of a famous New York landmark.

“I know you grew up here and have probably seen the Statue of Liberty a million times, but…”

As I held up the key chain, a tiny smile tugged Ross’s lips as he pinched the silver loop between thick fingers. A look of wonder lined his face as he gazed at the miniature landmark as if seeing it for the first time.

“I don’t know if it’s true to scale since I’ve never seen it in person before, but I hoped that when I go back home you might look at this and think of me… Or, I mean, think about the fake girlfriend you met in New York.”

“Aw, princess,” he whispered, skimming his wide knuckle down my cheek. Ribbons of shivers slid through me. “I don’t need any trinkets to remember you. But thank you. I’m flattered you thought about me today.”

My heart clutched, and before I could stop myself, I lowered my lashes and softly whispered, “You’re all I ever think about now.”

Ross didn’t say a word, but then he didn’t have to. I felt his body turn to stone and practically heard his lungs seize. The air around us turned arctic and I instantly regretted saying anything at all. But instead of turning his back on me and walking away, Ross gently cupped my chin and tilted my head back. He held me with a look so teemed in torture I wanted to howl.

“I told you before, I’m not one of the good guys, princess. Don’t make me something I’m not…in here.” He pressed a feather-soft kiss to my forehead.

Sadness and arousal twined as one, sending a strange band of confusion to wrap around my heart.

I placed my hand on his arm and stared him straight in the eyes. “You are a good man, Ross. Deep down inside is a warm, caring, loving man.”

His lips pressed to a thin, tight line just as Burk, with Sofia by his side, clapped Ross on the shoulder.

“Let’s eat.”

Ross jerked his chin at the singer, then looked down at me. “Come on.”

“We’re leaving?”

“No. Food is catered in for us,” he explained as we followed the others backstage and down a long hallway.

“Good. It’s crazy outside. People are everywhere.”

“You want to see crazy…wait until they’re all inside.”

“That’s got to be overwhelming. Do you meditate before you perform?”

“Meditate?” His brows arched high.

“Yeah, you know…center yourself so you don’t get stage fright or anything.”

“Never had stage fright.”

“Have you tried it for other things, like stress or worry?”

“Ahh, no. That’s what beer is for,” he scoffed. “I don’t know how to meditate.”

Well, you’re going to learn, big guy.

“I’d be happy to teach you. It works wonders.”

“You’re not going to start pulling out crystals and shit, are you?”

Miffed by his patronizing tone, I sent him a scowl. “Maybe. Crystals have wonderful healing powers.”

A crooked smile tugged his sexy mouth as we continued down the hall. “Oh, yeah? Like what?”

“Clear quartz amplifies and distributes energy. Obsidian shields negativity, and amethyst removes negative thoughts.” I flashed him a sassy smirk. “Bloodstone cleanses the environment of bad energy. Moonstone is for new beginnings, and—”

“Did you bring one of those with you?”

“A moonstone?” I asked as the scent of something mouthwatering hit my senses.

“Yeah,” he said, leading me into a large room with several half-domed silver trays spaced across a long linen-covered table. Two servers dressed in dark clothes and white aprons smiled as we headed toward the food.

“Uh-huh. It’s in my purse.”

“After we sit down”—he nodded at a big round table in the center of the room—“I’d like to see it.”

“Why? So you can make fun of me some more?” I quipped tartly.

“No. Because I want to learn more about…the things you like. And I really want to hear about the eco-place you live.”

I didn’t know why Ross was suddenly interested in me, but I certainly Copyright 2016 - 2024