Rock Me Faster (Licks of Leather #4) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,57

honey.” Sofia winked, patting me on the shoulder.

“Son of a… Help,” Mia moaned, lifting her long blonde-and-purple-streaked hair as she turned around. “This damn corset came undone again. Can one of you please tie those fucking laces in a double knot for me? I really don’t want to have a wardrobe malfunction on stage tonight.”

Sofia moved in to remedy the issue, grinning as she secured the black strapless leather bustier with tiny silver spikes covering the front. “I’m not going to tie it too tight, or Ozzy will pull out his pocketknife and cut you out of it after the show.”

“Oh, that might be fun,” Mia quipped with a sassy grin. She smoothed her hands over the black leggings hugging her slender legs before sliding into a pair of black leather stiletto boots that went all the way up to the middles of her thighs. “Ready to head out, ladies?”

“Almost,” Sofia replied, snagging the tube of bright red lip gloss off the bathroom vanity. The same one she’d applied to my lips earlier after the duo waved their wands of brushes and flat irons and turned me into a princess again. I paid attention and asked a ton of questions this time in hopes of one day being able to weave their same magic by myself. “Even though it’s lip stain and not supposed to rub off, you never know.”

Excitement and anxiety bounced through me as we took the elevator and strode through the lobby. Near the front door, two burly, solemn-faced men dressed in dark suits stepped forward—in tandem—blocking the exit.

“Miss Jackson?” the scary goon on the left asked.

Sofia lifted her chin as she protectively tucked Mia in behind her. “Who wants to know?”

“My name is Cole, and this is Brad, ma’am,” he said, motioning to the man beside him. “Mr. MacKinnon hired us to ensure you ladies arrived at the Garden safely.”

“Oh, for the love of…” Mia groused with a heavy sigh. “Quinn didn’t hire you. Ozzy did.”

“Why?” Sofia asked. “We’re just going a few blocks down the street.”

“Because Oz keeps insisting that I have a bodyguard when he’s not around. And I keep trying to tell him I don’t need one because we’re always together.” Mia rolled her eyes.

Bodyguards? Wow. While the pair certainly looked intimidating enough, I felt a lot safer when I was with Ross.

“Why didn’t he send them with us the last two days we went shopping?”

“He did,” Cole sheepishly confessed. “We…kept our distance. But we’ve been instructed to ride with you and escort you into the building.”

“Fine,” Mia bit out, tossing her two-toned hair over her shoulder. “I’ll deal with Ozzy, later.”

Silently, the two men led us outside and into the sleek black limo parked at the curb. After we climbed inside, Sofia pulled out a thick plastic badge attached to a lanyard.

“What’s this?” I asked, reading the words; VIP.

“It’s your pass to go anywhere at any venue on the tour,” she explained, handing one to Mia. In unison they both draped the lanyards over their heads. Taking their cue, I did the same.

“You know, it’s not a bad idea to have protection,” Sofia stated softly, taking Mia’s hand. “There’s a lot of crazy people out there…stalkers who seem to keep getting bolder and bolder.”

“I know. I just hate looking weak. I can take care of myself. I’ve been doing it for years.”

Weak was the last word I’d ever use to describe Mia. She was as sassy, feisty, and self-assured as Sofia.

“Yes, but you’re at the top of the charts now. You’re also touring with Licks,” Sofia calmly reminded. “Everyone knows you and Oz are together… It only takes one delusional fan, yours or his, to steal the happily ever after you guys plan to share.”

“You’re right. I’m being a bitch.”

“No. You’re being forced to give up pieces of your independence,” I interjected. “Just remember, no one can steal what’s in your heart and soul. That’s all that matters.”

A huge grin spread over Sofia’s lips. “I wondered when you were going to start sprinkling your seeds of positivity.”

My heart clutched. Panic spiked. Dread climbed my spine. I swallowed down the ball of terror lodged in my throat and sucked in a deep breath. “W-what do you mean?”

Sofia clutched my hand and gave it a squeeze. “Don’t worry, sugar. Your secret is safe with me…well, me and Burk.”

Oh, god. They knew. They knew the real reason I was here, pretending to be Ross’s girlfriend.

“What the fuck is going on?” Mia’s brows slashed in confusion.

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