Rock Me Faster (Licks of Leather #4) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,52

within. I found beating the stains of her animosity profoundly cathartic. If only I could drive away my own sins as easily and completely, life would be grand again.

Well, almost. I lifted my chin and glanced at the innocent beauty seated in the front row. Harmony’s ocean-blue eyes sparkled in delight, and a blinding smile stretched her sinful lips—lips that were so velvety soft, silky, and sweet I ached to taste them again and again—as she watched Syd dance across the stage like an idiot.

Wishing I was the man igniting that level of joy inside her, I clenched my jaw and hammered my drums until I’d driven my want back inside its box.

After hurrying through our set, we gave up the stage and our equipment to Mia and her backup musicians—drummer Mick Allen and keyboard player Duke Winter, who’d finally arrived in New York after a massive airline snafu—and headed backstage.

When I’d finished wiping the sweat from my head, neck, and arms, I guzzled a bottle of water and turned as Sofia rushed into Burk’s arms. Peering around her, I expected to see Harmony, but she wasn’t there. When I glanced from the edge of the curtain, she was still sitting in her seat, completely enraptured, watching Mia and her backup musicians.

I should have left her alone. Should have let her sit by herself and get lost in the music, but I couldn’t. The demand to be near her, breathe in the sweet scent of lilac and honeysuckle that clung to her soft skin overrode all common sense.

So enthralled in Mia’s performance, Harmony didn’t notice me until I plopped down in the chair beside her. Looking up at me, she sucked in a little gasp and her eyes grew wide. My gut and heart clutched in tandem. I now knew exactly how she’d look when I inched my hard, thick cock into her tight, virgin pussy.

Not in this lifetime, asshole, the little fucker in my head scoffed. But even the unwelcome voice of reason didn’t keep my dick from stirring.

“Oh, my gosh, Ross. That was… You guys were…” Harmony sputtered excitedly, grinning from ear to ear. Fuck, she was…too pure and good for me. “Ahhmazing.”

“If you liked this, tomorrow night will blow you away.”

“I already am.” She laughed.

A half smile kicked up a corner of my mouth. “Just wait until the fans are here. The air practically sizzles with electricity.”

Harmony cast her lashes down and nibbled her bottom lip. My cock did a whole lot more than stir as I drank in her unconscious submissive gesture.

“Like the kind of electricity that flows between us when we touch?”

I suspected she’d felt it this morning at breakfast, but hearing Harmony confirm it threw me for a loop. I didn’t know how to respond without the topic taking on a life of its own. While I didn’t like being a head-in-the-sand kind of man, there were times when it was necessary. Like now.


Harmony nodded thoughtfully. “That makes sense. I mean, with so many people in the place, it’s probably not as intimate and personal as it is between us.”

Where the fuck is a sandbox when I need one?

When I remained silent, Harmony smiled softly and focused her attention on the stage, where Mia was belting out the chorus of a tune that used to turn Ozzy inside out. Even when they weren’t together, Mia had managed to keep her claws buried inside him. Poor prick. He was almost as pathetic as my sorry ass still being haunted by a fucking ghost.

Before the memory could chew the locks off its cage, I tapped Harmony on the back of her hand. She snapped her head my way, body still bobbing to the sultry beat of the song.

“I need to talk to the guys. See you backstage when Mia’s through, all right?”


Two hours later, I was showered and dressed in a pair of sweatpants and sitting on the terrace of my suite, scarfing down a couple double cheeseburgers and fries I’d ordered from room service. I’d just popped the lid off my second beer when I heard the sweet sound of a woman singing. After taking a long pull, I wiped my mouth on the back of my hand and strolled to the edge of the terrace. Then I cocked my head and listened to the smooth, alluring voice.

The lyrics of the song were hauntingly familiar, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on the title. I held my breath and listened more intently. She sang Copyright 2016 - 2024