Rock Me Faster (Licks of Leather #4) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,50

wrong. Here’s a news flash for you, Ross…humiliating people does destroy them.”

When I started to slam the door in his face, he charged into the suite—snarling and nostrils flaring—like an angry bull. The rush of fear climbing up my spine begged me to run into the bedroom, lock the door, and call security. Instead, I lifted my chin and held my ground.

“I’m trying to do the right thing here,” Ross bit out between clenched teeth. “But you’re making it nearly impossible.”

“You’re the one who initiated that soul-stealing kiss, not me,” I reminded, stabbing his chest with my finger. “Did I ask you to toss that creep onto a taxi or heave that reporter into the air? No. You did those things to protect me. You can stand here and tell me you’re a bad person or that you’re going to destroy me all you want, but I’m never going to believe you.”

“Oh, yeah? Why not?”

“Because I’ve already seen what’s in your heart.”

“You’re forgetting one important detail.”


“I’m a damn good actor.”

He leaned in close, brushing his lips over the shell of my ear, sending my heart rate jumping and heat pooling between my legs. I wanted him to kiss me again…one last time before he completely shut me out of his life.

“Don’t confuse my performance with me giving a fuck, little girl. I have zero fucks to give about anything or anyone.”

“Oh, please.” I rolled my eyes. “You care about playing the drums. And you certainly care about Bernie. You wouldn’t have offered him a job or the chance to escape Sylvia.”

“Fine. You’re right. Drums are my life. And Bernie’s the father I should have had, instead of that prick who emptied his ball sac into Sylvia’s snatch.”

I pinched my lips together to muffle a laugh.

“What’s so funny?”

“You,” I said, giving up the struggle of hiding my grin. “You barely talk, and when you finally do, you don’t bother mincing a single word.”

“Candy coating shit serves only one purpose.”

“What would that be?”

“To keep all the snowflakes from crying in their Wheaties.”

“What’s a—”

“A snowflake?” Ross asked incredulously.

“No. I know what snowflakes are. We do have winter on the mountain. What’s a Wheaty?”

“Come on, we’re going back downstairs.” He slid his hand in mine.


“Because I’m going to find you a bowl of Wheaties.”

“Do we have time? You’ve got rehearsal at eight, and—”

“Shit. How the hell did that slip my mind?”

Well, gee…let’s see. You had a fake girlfriend thrust on you before breakfast. Pulled a pervert off her less than an hour later. Dodged several uncomfortable questions at the radio station. Manhandled a jerk reporter for knocking me down at lunch. Had your viper mother show up at your hotel for a surprise visit. Confronted said viper at dinner. Kissed me so hard my panties nearly melted off. Lifted my skirt and felt up my leg, then verbally slapped me in the face. Hired your mother’s driver. And tried to convince me you’re some kind of evil monster. And this was just day one.

I figured his question was rhetorical, so I kept the litany of events to myself.

Ross pulled out his cell phone and checked the time. “Looks like I’m going to have to give you a rain check on the Wheaties. I need to get to my room and change.” He dragged an indecent stare up my body and shook his head. “And as much as it pains me to say, you’ll be more comfortable in jeans and a tee.”

“Oh, right. I am a little over dressed for your rehearsal, aren’t I?”

“Not by my standards, but…” He made a noise that sounded like a moan and a grunt. “Meet up in the lobby, say…twenty minutes?”


A foolish, pointless wave of sadness washed over me as Ross hurried out the door.

Seventeen minutes later, I stepped off the elevator dressed in a pair of soft, well-worn blue jeans and a white tank with a blue floral kimono. I’d thought about washing off my makeup and taking my hair down, but I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to Cinderella yet. And though Sofia and Mia had spent a small fortune on beauty products for me, I didn’t really know how to apply them. It might be a long time before I felt like a real princess again.

The one thing I did feel was Ross’s stare from across the room. Tingles spread through me, gathering between my legs. The memory of his toe-curling kiss clambered through my brain, and I licked my lips hoping his taste had lingered. Copyright 2016 - 2024