Rock Me Faster (Licks of Leather #4) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,47

for a mother, and I certainly wasn’t going to back down from him, either. When the elevator dinged and the doors slid open, I lifted my chin and stepped past him.

“Ha. You think I’m scared of you now?” My tone matched the sharp clip of my heels over the glossy marble floor.

I’d only taken five steps before Ross’s thick arm snagged my waist, and he whirled me around, pulling me flush against his hard body. I jerked my head up and was instantly held prisoner by the ravenous look in his eyes. Ross stepped forward until he’d backed me up against the cool marble wall. His stare grew more savage by the second. A feral grimace curled the corners of his mouth as if he planned to eat me alive.

Ross was gloriously terrifying in a beautifully dangerous way that my knees began to tremble—not in fear but arousal. My heart raced. My breath turned shallow. And a rush of hot, silky need spilled into my panties. Though it made no sense whatsoever, I yearned to give myself over to his kinky perversions. Give him the green light to do every dirty, wicked thing his heart desired if only to take away the ache throbbing between my legs.

Staring at his mouth, I branded the shape and texture of his lips to memory. He leaned in closer. His hot breath wafting over my skin made my heartbeat roar in my ears.

An impatient, primal heat consumed every cell in my body.

Anticipation spiked.

Though I was trembling with the ache to taste the forbidden fruit of his kiss and drown in the wet bliss of his mouth, I had no illusions. I knew the instant Ross Walker’s sinful lips touched mine, the raw sensuality searing off him—making my panties wetter by the second—would completely destroy me. But I didn’t even care. All I could focus on was the wild electricity humming within and the force of the jolt that would soon be surging through my soul when his lips met mine.

With a half-lidded, soul-stealing gaze, Ross slid his hand beneath my hair and cupped my nape. My body craved things my mind couldn’t comprehend, and without meaning to, I leaned in ever so slightly. An animalistic growl rumbled from deep in his chest, sending goose bumps erupting over my flesh. With a muted curse, he pressed his thumb beneath my jaw, tilted my head back, and aligned my mouth beneath his.

Anticipation clawed.

I closed my eyes and held my breath…waiting for the sweet caress of his lips. But when Ross crashed his mouth over mine, savagely stabbing his tongue between my lips and lashing mine with deep, powerful strokes, all dreams of a tender, passionate kiss vanished.

This felt nothing like the uncertain, artless kiss I’d shared with Beau back home.

His was a forceful, commanding, powerful possession from a man well practiced in the art of seduction and sex. His kiss stole my breath. As Ross ate at me as if I were his last meal, tremors and sparks ricocheted through me, awakening an unfamiliar feminine entity sleeping within. Images of all the pleasure his wicked tongue could grant between my legs sent a flood to spill between my legs.

From low in the back of my throat, a whimper of need collided with his gliding tongue. Ross gripped my nape tighter. Holding me in place, his lips ground into mine with a punishing burn. Every inch of him was hard muscle, every inch except his mouth. I gripped the fabric of his jacket like a lifeline, melted against his chest, and lost myself in his demanding kiss.

His sex grew thicker, harder, and hotter against my stomach, sending more liquid rushing from my sex.

My skin felt tight.

My breasts felt heavy.

My nipples were as hard as glass and pounding in rhythm with the engorged nub between my folds. And just when I thought I was going to burst into flames, Ross glided his hand down my hip, over my thigh, then gripped the hem of my dress. His thick knuckles grazed my flesh as he started dragging the fabric up my leg.

Images of the brazen woman flashing her butt cheek on the sidewalk at lunch flashed in my head.

Panic and shame collided with throbbing desire.

Did Ross think so little of me that he didn’t care about exposing my flesh in the lobby of his mother’s building? I wasn’t one of his uninhibited fans willing to sacrifice my morals in hope that a rich, famous rock god would give me Copyright 2016 - 2024