Rock Me Faster (Licks of Leather #4) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,41

never heard of Licks of Leather.”


The massive dent to my ego paled in comparison to the shock clanging through me. How was it possible she’d never heard of us? Our songs aired on thousands of radio stations all over the world. It didn’t make any sense. Harmony lifted her lashes and I could see shame and embarrassment swimming in her blue pools.

Oh, no you don’t, princess. I’m not letting you beat yourself up just because you don’t know who I am.

“Then you’re really going to enjoy the show tomorrow night,” I assured, hoping to erase her insecurities. “But you’re going to be watching from backstage, where you’ll be safe. I’m sorry I didn’t do a better job of protecting you earlier.”

“It wasn’t your fault that guy was…eager.”

“He was a… How is your elbow and hand?” Harmony showed me her wounds, but they’d been airbrushed or something and were all but obscure. “What happened to your scratches?”

“Mia put some kind of powder on it after we went shopping.”

“You and Mia went shopping?”

“With Sofia, yeah. Since I didn’t have anything appropriate to wear to dinner tonight, they took me to some boutiques.” She grinned. “I’ve never had so much fun in my life. They rented a limo and we drank champagne and laughed and talked.”

Talked? About more than just fans and paparazzi, I feared.

My stomach pitched in a sickening slide. Logically, I knew Burk and Quinn would honor their vows and never share my unforgivable secrets. But that didn’t lessen my worries. Thankfully, Quinn’s attorney, Reed Landes had managed to seal up all incriminating documentation, down to the tiniest scrap of paper, before the press got wind of the devastating disaster.

“Do I want to know what you three wild women discussed?”

Harmony’s cheeks turned bright red. “Definitely not. Those two aren’t the least bit shy about anything.”

“Anything? Like what?”

Her blush grew an even deeper shade of crimson. “Never mind.”

“You three weren’t talking about…sex, were you?”

Harmony darted a gaze around the limo and inhaled a deep breath. Her breasts lifted enticingly beneath the cutout V of the sexy black dress that hugged her every curve. Ever since I saw her strolling across the lobby, my fingers had been burning to peel the fabric off her body, and my palm itched to fire up her fine, lush ass cheeks.

“What do you think we’ll be having for dinner?”

I wanted to laugh at her blatant change of subject but let it go. Even if Harmony was actually brave enough to talk about sex, I didn’t need the frustrating distraction. I had to keep my wits about me so I could effectively duel with the devil.

“I’m sure the cook she’s hired has whipped up something decadently delicious for you. I’ll be eating what Sylvia always loads onto my plate…a big, fat helping of crow.”

“What does she want you to apologize for?”

“Living.” Sadly, that was the truth.

I stared out the window as we made our way to the Upper West Side. Tamping down my mounting angst, I took in the familiar picturesque neighborhoods, the tree-lined streets, and stately brownstones.

When the limo came to a stop in front of the palatial building I once called home, a shiver rolled up my spine. Out of habit, I gripped the door handle, then froze.

During my rebellious teen years, I always bolted from the car before Bernie could open my door. I wasn’t revolting against him but my mother. It didn’t matter how often Sylvia—who was always watching from her ivory tower—scolded, grounded, or berated me for usurping the hired help. I did it to save Bernie the demeaning task of catering to a little rich prick half his age. I never wanted him to view me as an entitled brat, again.

Releasing the handle, I waited until Bernie opened the door. As I stepped out, we exchanged the same clandestine wink we had when I was young and Sylvia was around. Then I held out my hand and helped Harmony from the vehicle.

“Good luck, you two,” Bernie mumbled.

It was a given that the bitch was watching, waiting at the window to see if I would show. But to make Bernie’s life easier, I dipped my head—pretending to say something to Harmony—and kept my eyes locked on the man. “Thanks. We’ll either see you in a couple hours or a couple of minutes.”

Though his mouth remained neutral, Bernie’s eyes twinkled as a low chuckle rumbled from his chest. “I wish I could be a fly on the wall.”

“She’d only swat you dead,” I murmured.

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