Rock Me Faster (Licks of Leather #4) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,4

always strived to find the good in everyone, but at first, I thought his message a hoax. After doing a little online research, I discovered Quinn was the real deal. He actually was the president of Fusion Productions, an industry leader of music promotion.

I cautiously opened the attachment he’d included and nearly swallowed my tongue. The man had already drawn up a contract, offering me an obscene amount of money if I could drag one of his longtime clients, a man named, Ross Walker, from his self-imposed fortress and reintroduce him to a life of light and love.

I was totally shocked but slowly realized I’d been chosen by Maat—the goddess of truth, justice, and order—to receive her divine intervention. She was offering me a chance to bring balance back to the people of Gaia Garden. My family.

The duty to restore harmony rested solely on my shoulders. Not because of my name but because I had been chosen to right my mother’s wrong. Astrid had given me life and the gift of sharing this lush Kentucky mountain with many beautiful people. Then she robbed us all and ran away, taking the money we’d scrimped and saved, selling our wares—money earmarked to cover the annual property tax of our home.

Pushing my disappointment in Mother aside, I’d typed the name; Ross Walker in my search engine and netted a plethora of images. Photos of the most beautifully erotic, massively muscle-bound, intimidating man I’d ever seen in my life lit up the screen.

My breath had caught and crazy somersaults tumbled in my stomach as I gaped at his chiseled cheekbones, the rebellious set of his strong jaw, and the arrogant tilt of his bald head. Clicking through the pictures, I’d lost a little more of myself in each one.

Pausing at a shot of him stepping from a swimming pool, I’d traced a fingertip over the drops of water beading the mouthwatering muscles bulging beneath his bronze skin, the colorful tattoos decorating his thick arms and the ridges and planes of his marbled pecs and washboard abs.

With a wistful sigh, I’d savored the sight of his rugged body like a square of milk chocolate melting on my tongue. A naughty pulse had flared between my legs. Sliding a stare from his amazing body to his emotionless expression, I focused on his dark blue eyes. I’d been so captivated by his stirring physique, I’d missed the stark suffering reflected there. An ominous chill slid down my spine. Trying to determine the root of his glaring turmoil, I dropped my barriers and set my empathic gift free. But instead of gaining the insight I sought, my emotional receiver bounced off the sturdy wall he’d erected around himself.

“You’re going to be a tough nut to crack, aren’t you?” I’d muttered out loud.

Rising to the challenge, I’d clicked a link in my browser and started gathering as much information as I could about this beautiful but troubled man.

Ross Walker, born March 30, 1988. In 2006, he joined Burk Jennings, Ozzy Page, Darren Ash, and Syd Wilson as drummer of the multiple-platinum and Grammy Award winning rock group Licks of Leather.

I’d never heard of the band or any of the songs listed on the site, but that didn’t surprise me. I’d been born and raised on our mountain in Kentucky. The only music I’d ever heard was the bluegrass melodies Jeb played on the banjo at night around the firepit.

I’d continued reading the encyclopedia-type page only to feel my heart sink when I learned that Ross had been addicted to cocaine. Relief came quickly when I discovered that he’d sought rehab and, from what the article said, had been clean and sober for over four years.

Scrolling down the page, I’d sucked in a gasp as an image of Ross, flashing a carefree, panty-melting smile, came into view. Mesmerized by the sheer beauty of the blinding happiness glimmering in his eyes and lighting his face. Unlike the other photos, there wasn’t a trace of suspicion or uncertainty in his unguarded expression.

My heart and mind had started racing.

Though I couldn’t connect with him through the photos—an issue I hoped to remedy once we were face-to-face—I knew this happy, glowing version of Ross wouldn’t have succumbed to addiction without a damn good reason. Clearly, something catastrophic had pushed him over the edge.

I’d decided then and there to do everything in my power to replace the ghosts haunting this man with light and love. And maybe, just maybe, he would gift me with one Copyright 2016 - 2024