Rock Me Faster (Licks of Leather #4) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,34

take a shit, man.

“Bring her back here, Ross,” he yelled from the rear of the bus. “I saw what that prick did to her. I’ve got the first aid kit ready for you.”

Thank fuck.

Kenny was more than our driver; he was like an older brother. When Sofia joined us, he’d taken her under his wing like a father. Looked like he was doing the same with Harmony now.

As I headed toward the sleeping berths, I knew it was no coincidence that Kenny had placed the first aid kit on my bunk.

Since I first laid eyes on Harmony this morning, fantasies of her splayed out on my bed had been rolling around in my head. Unfortunately, the scenario of her hurt and bleeding hadn’t been one of my twisted visuals.

Kenny hurried toward the front of the coach while I carefully sat down beside Harmony and brushed the soft, golden hair from her face. Both of our shirts were stained with the blood still oozing from her elbow, and as I grabbed the antiseptic wipes, I scanned a cursory glance over her body to see if she had any other injuries.

I didn’t see any, but… “Do you hurt anywhere besides your elbow?”

“My hand,” she replied, turning her scraped and bleeding palm up to me.

“Oh, princess. He fucked you up good.”

The rage I’d locked in a cage threatened to break free. Part of me wanted to charge off the bus and end the cocksucker for good, but a bigger part wanted to stay and take care of Harmony. The heavy footfalls and bitter curses spiking the air told me the others were onboard now. Relief spread through me. I wanted nothing more than to get her back to the safety of the hotel.

Sofia rushed in beside us, worry written all over her face. “Do we need to take her to Bellevue?”

“What’s Bellevue?” Harmony asked.

“A hospital,” I replied.

“No.” Harmony blanched and shook her head. “It’s just a scrape. Please…I don’t want to go to a hospital.”

“You don’t have to.” The panic rolling off her felt like a roundhouse kick to the heart. “We’ll patch you up on the way back to the hotel. All right?”

“Yes. Thank you.”

“I’ll get a warm washcloth from the bathroom,” Sofia said before darting away.

Quinn moved in beside me and bent to look in on Harmony. When he saw the blood, his nostrils flared. “That fucking cock-sucking… I’m going to sue his balls off. When I’m finished with him, I’ll own that goddamn television station.”

He pulled out his cell phone and growled, “Take care of her. I need to rip balls.”

As he stormed away, Harmony started to giggle.

“What’s so damn funny?”


“Me? What the hell have I done?”

“Rescued me again…thank you, by the way. But you look like you want to”— Harmony lowered her voice to a whisper—“rip balls, too.”

“Trust me, princess. I want to do a whole lot more than rip that bastard’s balls off.”

She softly tsked. “An eye for an eye only achieves blindness.”

“Yeah, well, sadly, I’m not as forgiving as—”

“Oh, no…your shirt,” Harmony interrupted. “I’ve ruined it.”

“You didn’t do shit. And don’t worry about my shirt. I’ve got plenty more. The one thing I don’t have is another you.”

Harmony lowered her lashes as a crimson blush stained her cheeks. I wanted to reach out and cup them…feel the warmth against my palms.

“You don’t have to keep acting, Ross. It’s just us here now.”

“I…” Don’t be a dick and encourage her. You know you can’t have her. The infuriating voice in my head was right. Biting my lips together, I simply nodded as Sofia returned with several towels.

A minute later, Mia joined our little first aid party, and together—as Quinn continued to yell and curse into his phone, the bus crawled through traffic, and each of the guys came back to check on our patient—we cleaned off the blood, doctored the scrapes, and bandaged Harmony’s wounds.

After Sofia retrieved a clean Licks of Leather tee from the closet, I left so Harmony could change without me ogling her. Then, working to bleed the remaining rage from my bones, I joined the others who were silently eavesdropping on Quinn, still ranting and raving into his phone.

“Is Harmony doing all right?” Burk asked quietly.

“You tell me. She’s been attacked twice in one day. Twice, on her first fucking day in New York…her first fucking day on the job,” I snarled before blowing out a hard sigh and dragging a hand over my head. “What the fuck is going to happen to her Copyright 2016 - 2024