Rock Me Faster (Licks of Leather #4) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,14

couldn’t play a part in his farce, either. Not with her. I’d either lose my fucking mind or do something that would asphyxiate me with even more guilt and regret.

“I love you all like brothers. Thanks for putting up with me and all my shit.”

Burk blanched. Fear and uncertainty stamped his face as he scooted out his chair and stood. “We love you, too, man. Sit down. We’ll work this out.”

“No can do, brother.” I shook my head, then leveled my fury where it belonged, at Quinn, and tossed my napkin on the table.

I wanted to grab him by the throat and snap his meddling, foolish head off. Instead, I simply lifted my chin and sent him a nasty smile.

“Consider my image problem solved. I quit.”

Ignoring the collective gasps, curses, and pleas erupting around the table, I turned and snagged the ball cap off Ozzy’s head, shoved my sunglasses on, and stormed toward the lobby.

Chapter Four


Mouth gaping, I sat frozen in my chair as Ross thundered away. The only thing that stole my attention from homing in on his sturdy legs wrapped in soft, faded denim was his lingering fury singeing my skin.

Swamped with fear and sadness pelting me from all directions, I couldn’t shield myself from the other’s emotions to process mine first. I tried to erase the way Ross’s sensual lips moved with each angry word flying off his tongue. But I was still trying to compartmentalize the rush of emotions he’d conjured when our gazes had locked for the first time.

His dark eyes, framed in long lashes, had looked right through me as if I were a ghost, while it afforded me the opportunity to study his massive form. Sitting beside him, I’d started at his bald head before dragging my gaze to the outline of his sharp nose and dark stubble covering his jaw. His thick neck and wide, defined muscled shoulders, biceps and forearms nearly made me drool. And his hands, lordy, his long, thick fingers and broad palms made me weak in the knees.

Everyone at the table was pleading for Ross to come back, but he didn’t even pause. He simply continued taking long, angry strides toward the exit.

He’s quitting because of me.

Had agreeing to play a part in Quinn’s deception pissed off the goddesses this much? Probably. The din of furious and shocked voices around the table grew louder as Burk bolted from the table and raced after Ross.

I sent Quinn a pleading stare. “I think you need to reconsider your plan.”

“No,” he answered firmly.

“You set him up, didn’t you?” Sofia railed as she stood and tossed her napkin on the table. “When are you going to stop fucking with people’s lives?”

“I’m not setting him up. I’m trying to get the bullseye off his back,” Quinn called to the woman now racing after Burk. “Seriously, guys. Ross will come around after he cools down. He’s not going to quit. He’s only bluffing because he’s pissed.”

“Oh, yeah? When has Ross ever bluffed about anything?” Darren bit out with a snarl.

As Quinn tried to calm the masses, I watched Burk grab Ross’s arm. The drummer spun on him with an angry scowl and wrenched free.

“Back off. I don’t want to hurt you, man,” Ross barked.

Burk raised his hands in surrender, then said something I couldn’t hear. Ross snarled and shoved the lead singer away. Worry and defeat stamped Burk’s face. He cinched an arm around Sofia’s waist and tugged her to his side as Ross stormed into the lobby.

“Quinn! Stop him,” I begged.

“Relax. Ross knows I’m only trying to—”

“No. He doesn’t. He thinks he’s under attack.” I jumped from my chair, raced past Burk and Sofia and out of the restaurant.

When I reached the lobby, I caught sight of Ross as he stepped out onto the sidewalk and pulled Ozzy’s ball cap over his head. Determined to catch up with him and convince him not to quit the band, I jogged out the door and was instantly jostled and bumped by the mass of people vying for their own piece of pavement.

“Excuse me. Pardon me,” I murmured.

Dismissing the odd expressions being flung at me, I weaved my way through the crowd. Ross was half a block away and quickly widening the gap between us.

“Ross. Wait,” I yelled. “Hold up.”

He wasn’t slowing down. Either he couldn’t hear he or he was completely ignoring me. Frantically pressing through the unending stream of humanity, I screamed his name louder.

Suddenly, an arm snaked around my waist and I was Copyright 2016 - 2024