Rock Me Deeper (Licks of Leather #5) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,56

interrupting.” Burk was cackling with glee for disturbing what he had to know was a pivotal moment. “But breakfast is ready. You need to eat lots of protein so you’ll have enough stamina to get the job done right.”

I lifted my head and gnashed my teeth, wishing I could take back every dirty trick I’d ever pulled, every cutting, witty comment I’d leveled at him. But it was far too late. I had the sneaking suspicion this was the first of many interruptions the guys were plotting against me. Fuck! Why was Karma such a snag-assed bitch?

As Caris’s body shook with silent laughter, I lowered my chin and cocked a brow.

“You think this is funny?” I ground out quietly.

Amusement danced in her eyes as she pinched her lips together and shook her head. Then started laughing out loud and nodding.

“Fine. Go downstairs and eat. I’ll be there in a minute. I’ve got to take care of this.” I looked at my angry cock as it leaked tears of disappointment.

Caris’s eyes flashed wide before she lowered her gaze to my glistening purple crest.

“Or you can stay and help if you want. I wouldn’t turn you down.”

“I…” The air left her lungs in a gust before she shook her head and sucked in a deep breath. “I-I should probably go ahead and eat…breakfast.”

I bit back a grin as her cheeks turned crimson. Somehow, I found the strength to step back but wanted to weep when Caris gripped the doorknob. Hope flickered as she glanced back at me, scraping a hungry gaze all the way to my cock.

“Don’t, um, hurt your arm or anything.”

“I’ll be fine. I never use my left hand unless I’m so horny I need a double date.”

Her cheeks turned even redder. “You’re incorrigible,” she chided as she left the room.

“Son of a… You’re a dead man, Jennings,” I snarled under my breath as I stormed to the bathroom.

After grabbing a hand towel, I lay back on the bed and draped it over my chest. Then I gripped my cock in a tight fist, let out a groan of anticipation for my pending relief, and closed my eyes.

Chapter 14


My legs were shaking so badly I couldn’t even walk, not that I really wanted to. I stood staring at the door, mentally kicking my ass for not offering to help him find relief. I could almost feel his thick, hot cock throbbing in my palm as I stroked him up and down. Almost taste the sweet nectar spilling off his wide purple tip, sliding over my tongue. My pussy clutched at its empty desolation. And my mind screamed in frustration while every cell in my body throbbed.

Inwardly cursing myself for standing there imagining Syd stroking himself, I was only adding fuel to a wildfire I couldn’t put out.

Pull it together, Caris, and walk away. Go join the others for breakfast now.

I drew in a deep breath and forced myself to take a step back, but just as I started to turn, Syd groaned from behind the door.

“Yes, angel. That’s it…suck it, suck it down deep.”

His raspy voice scraped my already raw nerve endings, sending demand, slick and hot, spilling from my folds. My clit swelled and throbbed in time with my racing heart.

“Your wicked mouth…your sinful tongue… Oh, fuck Caris, yes, yes, baby, yes.”

I hadn’t realized I’d even reached for the knob until the cool metal met my palm.

Tremors of excitement, hunger, and indecision quaked me while my heart beat wildly.

“Oh, hey, Caris. You heading down for breakfast or coming back up?”

Whipping around, I saw Sofia closing the door of the room next to ours. Her big copper curls bounced with every move she made.

“I-I…” My tongue was stuck to the roof of my dry mouth. Shoving my arousal down deep, I forced a wide smile. “On my way down.”

“Great.” She grinned. “I’ll walk with you. Unless you were going back in your room to get something.”

“No,” I blurted far too fast and far too loud.

Inwardly cringing, I hurried her way and we started down the stairs.

“Mia told me in all the excitement yesterday your luggage got left behind. If you need to borrow some clothes until you get some delivered, let me know. They might swim on you, but we can pin them or something.” She slapped her hips. “I can’t say no to French fries or chocolate. Of course, if you don’t want to mess with safety pins, Harmony’s and Mia’s will fit. They’ll be more than happy to Copyright 2016 - 2024