Rock Me Deeper (Licks of Leather #5) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,44

pinched her lips together.

“What?” I coaxed, praying this might be the start of bridging the chasm between us.

“Just thank you. Thank you for doing all this for me.”

A slow smile tugged my mouth. “Giving me a sliver of trust to keep you safe is all the thanks I need.”

I brushed a soft kiss across her lips, then gathered up her suitcases and stepped outside. I waited on the porch, squinting against the bright sunlight, while Caris closed and locked the door.

As I followed her off the stoop, she spun around and grabbed my arm.

Senses revving to high alert, I scanned the trees again. “What’s wrong?”

“I need to grab the extra house key I have hidden. I don’t want anyone finding it and trashing the place while I’m gone.”

“Good idea. Is it under the mat?” I asked, glancing behind me.

“Nope. It’s right here.” She pointed to a gray rock next to the porch.

As Caris squatted to retrieve the key, a loud crack like I hadn’t heard since living on the streets of Detroit split the air.


Panic exploded in my veins and her luggage slid from my fingers. As I lunged to cover her with my body, a bullet punched into me, lifting me off the ground and sending me sailing into the air. Crying out as the white-hot pain careered over my shoulder, arm, and chest, I landed on the cold hard earth with a bone-jarring thud and crack of my skull.

I was dazed with fear and confusion, and sparks exploded behind my eyes. Pressure, hot and searing, engulfed my body. Caris was screaming at the top of her lungs, but I couldn’t move…couldn’t get up and save her.

No. Oh, god, please don’t let Zattman have her.

Panic and failure stole what breath was left in my lungs. I heard car doors slamming and Cole and Brad barking out orders. I didn’t understand why they weren’t shooting back at the bastard who’d clipped me. I didn’t understand the strange blurry shadows creeping across my eyes and eating up the sun, either. But before I could try and come up with an answer, darkness swallowed me whole.

Chapter 10


I jolted as a loud bang ripped through the air. The sharp echo was still ringing in my ears when I glanced up at Syd and watched in shock and horror as blood exploded from his shoulder and sprayed my face… Watched helplessly as he flew through the air, crying out in pain and landing on his back in the front yard.

Screams of raw terror tore from my throat as I started to stand and run to him. I was still crouched down when strong arms banded my waist and lifted me off the ground. A whole new level of horror thundered through me as I struggled and screamed and fought with all my might.

“I’m Cole, your bodyguard. Stop squirming so I can get you to safety,” the man growled in my ear.

Cole cinched me tighter as he pulled a gun from his side, hunched his massive body around mine, and whisked me off my feet and ran toward the limo. A second man, who had to be Mia’s other bodyguard, Brad, sprinted past us. Peering around Cole’s wide shoulder, I watched Brad snatch Syd’s limp body off the ground, toss him over his shoulder like a ragdoll, and sprint after us.

The limo door swung open. Ozzy—whose face was etched with the same level of fear pounding through me—reached out and pulled me into the vehicle as Cole released me. Mia, softly crying, wrapped her arms around me. Guarding the mouth of the door, Cole raised his weapon, squared his shoulders, and scanned the woods with a dark, threatening gaze.

When Brad, with Syd still draped over his broad shoulder, ducked toward the door, Cole leapt inside and helped guide his partner through the opening. Ozzy squeezed in behind the two men and slammed the door shut. As Cole and Brad eased Syd onto the floor, Ozzy turned and yelled to the driver, “Get us the fuck out of here, now!”

Blood gushed from the wound in Syd’s shoulder as I slid off the seat next to Mia and dropped to my knees beside him. The limo lurched as I shucked off my coat and, with trembling fingers, pressed the heavy cotton fabric to the angry bullet hole. Syd groaned but didn’t open his eyes.

“Ozzy, I need the first aid kit under the seat across from Mia,” Cole instructed.

“Heads up,” Ozzy called, launching a black duffle to the Copyright 2016 - 2024