Rock Me Deeper (Licks of Leather #5) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,41

decided to hire Mia personal protection, Darren suggested the agency Quinn used after a media frenzy nearly spooked Tori away. While Cole and Brad were both new to the agency, they were proficient and professional. Neither man had any qualms about traveling to each venue we played and sticking to Mia like glue.

When we’d heard about Zattman’s threats at the ass-crack of dawn this morning, Ozzy immediately fired the two men so I could rehire them to protect Caris. It clawed my guts that I could only stay at the ranch a couple days to help guard her. But our tour was in full swing, and we had another five months of concerts lined up.

Fuck. It might as well be five years.

From behind the tinted windows, I watched as Caris opened the door. While I couldn’t see surprise light up her face when she discovered Mia on the porch, I did see the look of amazement as she stared at the limo. My heart leapt to my throat. It took all the willpower I possessed—and the rolling reminder that she didn’t want me anymore—to keep from bolting out the door and sweeping her into my arms.

Tapping my thumb against my thigh, I was climbing out of my skin while we waited and waited and waited for the two women to exit the house.

“Chill, man,” Ozzy murmured from beside me. “They’ll be out soon.”

“Mia’s been in there for—”

“Fifteen minutes. That’s barely enough time to tell Caris what’s happening and not near enough time for her to pack.”

He was right, but it didn’t lessen my anxiety. I was growing edgier by the second. And the way Cole and Brad kept scanning the landscape only wound me up tighter.

“Something’s off,” Cole murmured, sliding a sidelong glance Brad’s way.

“I know. The hair on the back of my neck’s been standing on end for the past ten minutes,” Brad stated as they continued probing the forest surrounding Caris’s house. “Too many trees, too many places to hide.”

As Cole grunted in agreement, the hairs on the back of my neck lifted, and I started looking out over the trees, as well.

Ozzy growled and reached for handle of the door. “I’m going in to get them out.”

As fast as a striking cobra, Brad gripped the keyboard player’s wrist and shook his head. “No one is going anywhere. We’re going to sit here until they come out, then we’re hauling ass back to the airstrip.”

Tuning out Ozzy’s complaints, I watched as the front door finally opened.

“They’re coming,” I barked.

Ozzy sucked in a shallow breath as Mia stormed off the porch and marched toward the limo wearing a scowl. As I watched the front door close behind her, my blood turned to fire.

“Why isn’t Caris with her?” I knew the answer before the words fell off my tongue but couldn’t stop them. “Fucking stubborn woman.”

When Mia opened the door and climbed in, Ozzy all but suffocated her beneath a desperate hug.

“What happened?” I demanded.

“Your girl’s a smart cookie,” Mia said, squeezing Ozzy tightly, then untangling herself from his limbs. “She figured out our plan.”


“Caris saw right through my story about Cole finding her address.”

“But he did. All I gave him was her name and city.”

“I know, but she point-blank asked if you were in the limo.”

“Sorry, man. Mia can’t lie worth a shit.” Ozzy cringed.

“Now you tell me.” I exhaled a heavy sigh and rolled my eyes. “We’re not leaving without her.”

“You can’t very well kidnap her,” Brad warned.

“The hell I can’t,” I snarled, throwing open the door and vaulting out of the limo.

After storming up the sidewalk, I bounded onto the porch and began pounding on the front door.

“Go away, Mia. I’ll be fine.”

I didn’t say a word, simply pounded harder.

When I heard the snick of the lock disengage and saw the knob begin to turn, I pressed my other palm to the cold wood, poised to push my way inside. This wasn’t about winning Caris back. That doomed ship had sailed long ago and was never coming back. It was about keeping her alive.

“For the love of…” Caris’s angry words died the instant our eyes connected.

The irrefutable fear glistening in her beautiful brown pools was like a kick to the balls and reinforced my determination to get her someplace safe.

I cocked my head and narrowed my eyes, already anticipating her next move. Caris didn’t disappoint. The second she lifted her chin I shoved the door open and stepped inside. Struggling to block the onslaught of her scent Copyright 2016 - 2024