Rock Me Deeper (Licks of Leather #5) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,29

But after three days on two different busses traveling halfway across the country, I was climbing on board yet another, this time in Springfield, Missouri, bound for Berryville, Arkansas. I would still be fifty miles from home, but it was the closest route to Diamond City the company offered.

I was dirty, hungry, and exhausted from mourning the loss of Syd again. While the other passengers slept, I buried my face in his leather jacket, inhaled his scent, and softly sobbed. I’d second-guessed my decision to leave him more times than I could count, but in the end, common sense—not my shattered heart or the memory of his rugged naked body pressed to mine, kissing me dizzy and making me hot all over—won out.

Oh, I’d tried to twist and turn a dozen different scenarios to run back to him. But the inevitable always reared its ugly head. If I had stayed with Syd, I would have destroyed his career, possibly even broken up the band. Sure, we could be happy for a while, but eventually Syd would grow to despise me, hate me for stealing his dream.

Tears stung my eyes, but I quickly blinked them away. I had to stop mourning the loss of what could never have been, accept my life for what it was, and keep putting one foot in front of the other. I hoped that once I was finally home and back to my normal routine, I wouldn’t feel so weak and pathetic.

Or maybe I’m just blowing smoke up my ass.

I focused on my little house by the lake. On taking a long, hot shower and crashing on my soft, comfy bed. I wanted to sleep for a week but didn’t have that luxury. I had to get up early tomorrow morning and check in with Trudy. Hopefully I still had a job. Then I planned to bitch-slap Monica for taking my stuff and leaving me stranded in LA.

But first I had to figure out a way to get from Berryville to Diamond City.

When the bus turned into the parking lot of a mini-mart, I was still scrolling through anyone who’d be willing to pick me up. I didn’t have a bestie or any close friends, only regular customers I’d shoot the shit with when I served their food.

Before the driver called, “Berryville,” over his shoulder, I was out of my seat, zipping up Syd’s jacket and heading toward the door. The sun was ebbing toward the horizon, and as I stepped off the bus the blustery wind stole my breath.

Tucking my chin, I hurried into the mini-mart, and strolled straight to the bathroom. After taking care of business, I washed my hands and cringed at the ugly rainbow of colors the bruises had painted over my face. Since Monica and I never rented a car in LA, I’d have to come up with a different story to explain my injuries. But first, I had to find a phone.

And call who?

I still wasn’t sure, but I couldn’t walk home.

As I turned to leave the restroom, the door swung open and Betty Warner—retired sixth-grade teacher from Diamond City Elementary and a regular at Café Trudy—stepped inside.

“Betty!” I gasped. “Oh, my god. I’m so glad to see you.”

“Caris? Oh, honey, where on earth have you been? And…you poor thing, what happened to you?” A pained expression lined the old woman’s face as she stared at my face and clasped my hands, squeezing them tightly.

“It’s a long story, but I’m fine. I just want to get home.”

“I can’t believe you’re standing here. When Monica came back and said you’d disappeared from a nightclub in Los Angeles, I nearly lost my mind. Her and I, heck, the whole town has been worried sick and praying for you, honey.”

I knew she was exaggerating—there were plenty of people who still thought me nothing but thieving trash—but her kind words touched me.

“Thank you. Your prayers have worked. Well, almost. There’s still several miles between here and home.” When Betty simply smiled and nodded, I knew my veiled hint went right over her gray head. I was going to have to swallow my pride and ask, point-blank. “What are you doing in Berryville?”

“Herb and I just finished meeting with our attorney over at the Shelton law office. We needed to update our wills and such. Herb wanted to top off the gas tank, and I figured I’d use the restroom before we headed home.”

“So, you’re headed back to Diamond City?”

“Yes, just as soon as I Copyright 2016 - 2024