Rock Me Deeper (Licks of Leather #5) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,22

to the bathroom to return the empty glass, I spit the pill out and quickly tucked it under the blanket.

I thanked him for taking time from his evening to help me, and for his assurance that doctor-patient privilege extended to the members of the band as well. Then I faked a yawn and gingerly rolled onto my side, letting my eyelids slowly drift shut.

Eyes closed, I issued a soft sigh and listened as he walked away before opening the door. When he let out a startled grunt, I nearly lifted my lids out of curiosity, but then I heard Syd’s voice and continued feigning sleep.

“Sorry, Doc. I didn’t mean to startle you. I was just coming back to see if everything was okay.”

“She’ll be fine. Poor thing has some nasty cuts and burns, but I’ve treated them and bandaged her up. I also left her some antibiotic ointment to reapply, but she should be fine. It’s just going to take time to heal, both physically and mentally.”

“I know. I’m still fighting the urge to kill the son of a bitch who did this to her.”

“You know the man?”

“It’s probably better if I plead the Fifth.”

“I’d gladly ignore my Hippocratic Oath for the chance to put down the animal who did this to her, as well.”

“Hopefully, our judicial system will put the hurt on him soon.”


“Can I…talk to her?”

“She’s asleep. I gave her a strong sedative that should keep her out all night, but you can talk to her in the morning.”

“Okay.” The disappointment in Syd’s voice only magnified my shame.

The door snicked shut, muting the rest of their conversation, leaving me alone again with a myriad of emotions pelting my system. The urge to launch out of bed and pace the room rode me hard, but I tamped it down and tried to dissect and compartmentalize the emotions spilling through my system.

Suddenly, I heard the doorknob jiggle and slammed my eyes shut again.

“I’ll meet you in your suite in a few,” Syd called from behind the door. “I just need to check on Caris before we deal with those damn photos.”

I focused on keeping my breaths slow and steady as I heard Syd enter the room. The heat of his body surrounded me as he leaned over the bed. Surprisingly, I didn’t even flinch when he gently skimmed his fingers over my cheek.

“Sweet dreams. I’ll be back soon,” he whispered.

Syd bent and pressed a tender kiss to my temple. His warm breath skipped over my ear, and a lump of emotion jammed my throat.

“Oh, angel. I’m so sorry I ran out on you, but I’m a million times sorrier that I fucking lost you.”

The words I’d waited a lifetime to hear damn near destroyed me. Tears stung my eyes and a powerful sob rolled up my chest. I somehow managed to hold it, and the ache to wrap my arms around him and wail, back.

Though I was breaking apart inside, I remained statue still until he walked away and closed the door. Then I buried my face in the pillow and released a torrent of tears. As I poured my soul into the supple foam, I realized running into Syd again wasn’t some act of divine fate but piss-poor luck.

His path was now paved in gold, while mine was still an uneven trail of dirt and rocks. It was ridiculous for me think they could merge again.

Spending time reminiscing pieces of our past on the balcony earlier had been wonderful and melancholy. It had been so easy to ignore the fact that Sydney Joseph Wilston of Diamond City, Arkansas, was dead. He’d reinvented himself as Syd Wilson, Detroit, Michigan, rock god, because he didn’t want anyone discovering his past…our past.

Keep your head down until we’re in the elevator in case the paparazzi is staking out the hotel. Mia’s warning echoed in my head.

“Oh, god,” I moaned.

Did any of the others know about Syd’s juvenile record? Was that why Mia had warned me to keep my head down? Was she trying to protect Syd, not from Zattman but from the press digging up information on me and inadvertently discovering the truth about Syd?

Simply being seen with me could ruin his career.

My stomach twisted.

Panic flooded my system.

Breaking out in a cold sweat, I tossed the covers back and leapt out of bed.

I didn’t know how long I’d spent crying, how long Syd had been gone, or when he was coming back. All I knew was that I had to leave, put as Copyright 2016 - 2024