Rock Me Deeper (Licks of Leather #5) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,17

fucked-up youth hold him back or down. I envied his courage, but of course, it was one of the many reasons I’d fallen in love with him from the start.

“If it’s too cold, we can come back inside.”

“That we can.” He nodded.

As he carefully drew the matching capri pants to my thighs, I swallowed a hiss and stood. Gripping his shirt, I clenched my jaw as he gingerly dragged them over my hips. He patiently waited as I sucked in several deep breaths and worked through the pain, then released my death grip on his shirt.

As he threaded his fingers through mine, a long-forgotten sense of security slid through me. Crossing the room, he paused and plucked a black blanket off the plush love seat before escorting me outside. After I settled into one of the thickly padded chairs, Syd darted back inside to get our food.

I tucked the blanket over my lap and around my legs. The air was cool, but compared to the bitter Arkansas weather I’d left last week, it felt wonderful. Even the smog was a welcome respite after spending two days locked in Zattman’s torture chamber.

Being free again felt damn good.

When Syd had whipped off that ski mask inside Zattman’s house, I’d thought I was dreaming. When I’d realized I wasn’t, it had thrown me into such a state of shock, the only thing I could think about was escape.

I still hadn’t taken time to really process what had happened. But now that I was safe, the horror of the last forty-eight hours began flashing through my mind. From the handsome smile that adorned his face as Zattman approached my table to waking up in a foggy haze, then bursting with panic and fear, discovering I’d been bound and gagged, to each excruciating cut, burn, punch, and vile threat that hideous monster delivered.

Swallowing back the bile rising in my throat, tremors of fear racked my body. My stomach coiled like a snake before I shook the visions away and focused on the traffic cruising up and down Hollywood Boulevard below me.

Monica and I had spent five fun-filled days exploring LA’s famous restaurants, stores, and nightclubs. We’d spent an entire day at the beach, drinking in the sun and bronze, buff hunks jogging along the sand.

I still couldn’t believe Monica had up and flown back to Arkansas—with my luggage—and left me behind. I had no idea if she’d called the police and filed a missing person report, or simply hadn’t bothered, thinking I was dead. Surely, she didn’t think me heartless enough to blow her off, without so much as a goodbye, to start a new life of my own. She should have known me better than that. But then again, maybe not. We’d worked together for years and shared a lot of laughs, but I’d never confided in her. Never shared my hopes, dreams, or secrets.

The only person I’d ever let inside my soul was Syd.

Yeah, and look how that turned out for you, the snarky little voice in my head chided.

Chapter 3


As I reached for the room service cart, I noticed my hands shaking and cursed. Caris had me strung tighter than an overstressed guitar string. I’d nearly snapped in the shower when she started rubbing her lush, naked body against me, and feasting on her wicked mouth damn near destroyed me. The only thing that stopped me from gripping her ass and sliding her sweet cunt up and down my swollen cock until we both exploded in ecstasy was the angry, red wounds welting her pale flesh.

Though I’d tamped down my bloodlust enough to rescue her, I hadn’t yet worked the rage from my system. Finding Caris crumpled on the shower floor after our delicious kisses only intensified the demand to kill Zattman, slowly, painfully. But revenge had to wait, and sadly, so did sex. Right now, Caris needed food, medical attention, and sleep. I had to find a way to keep my shit wired tight and provide them for her.

Gripping the cart, I pushed it toward the balcony. After placing the food on the table beside her, I waved my hand with a dramatic flourish.

“Dinner is served, madam.”

Her throaty chuckle and genuine smile eased my tension, slightly.

“Thank you, monsieur. It looks delicious and smells even better.”

As I dropped into the chair beside her, Caris leaned over her bowl and started shoveling soup into her mouth.

The sight of her inhaling the food ignited the memory of the bone-chilling night Caris and I huddled Copyright 2016 - 2024