Rock Me Deeper (Licks of Leather #5) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,10

in the days to come.”

Mia’s warning sent an ominous chill wending through me. She had no idea how proficient I was dealing with the tricks a mind could play. But the less any of them knew about my life the better, especially Syd.

After Mia and I eased from the SUV, Ross tossed the keys to the valet, while Syd quickly stepped in beside me and wrapped a protective arm around my waist. His touch seared me, made my nipples ache, and made me yearn for things I couldn’t have again.

While the others circled around us like a human barrier, Mia eased in close and murmured, “Keep your head down until we’re inside the elevator. We don’t know if the paparazzi’s lurking.”

The possibility of Zattman putting two and two together if he saw me with the rock stars erased the arousing tingles of Syd’s touch. Tucking my chin, I shielded myself beneath a shroud of dark tangled hair. Not only was the paparazzi a concern, I feared my face was as mangled as the rest of my body and didn’t want any hotel worker calling the police.

Syd cinched me tighter, replacing my troubles with another rush of longing. God, I’d give anything to turn back time to the night we’d met to relive those glorious, dangerous days again. As I was swallowed up in bittersweet memories, we entered the lobby and briskly strode across the shimmering gold and bronze tiled floor. Once inside the elevator, I lifted my head and watched Burk extract a stack of manila envelopes from beneath his shirt.

“After Sofia and Harmony go to sleep, Ross and I will sort through these tonight.”

Mia reached for the photos. “No. I’ll go through them.”

“You will not,” Ozzy barked, yanking them away. “They’ll make you start having nightmares again. I’m not letting you relive the things that cocksucker did to you.”

Forcing down the bile rising in the back of my throat, I gaped at the stack of envelopes. “Are all those photos of other victims?”

“We don’t know yet, but we think so.” Darren grimly nodded.

“I’ll do it,” Syd stated softly. “I’ve seen more horrific shit in my life than you can imagine. I’ll find your photos, Mia.”

“And mine? Will you find mine, too?” I whispered.

Syd reared back as if I’d slapped him. The blood drained from his face. His nostrils flared. Then he clenched his teeth so hard the muscles in his neck and jaw twitched. A long second later, he gave me a curt nod.

“What horrific shit have you seen?” Ross scowled.

“It doesn’t matter,” Syd replied. His emerald eyes were a smoldering mixture of rage and anguish as he ripped the envelopes from Burk’s hand.

The lead singer cocked his head and studied Syd intently. “You and I are going to have a long talk real soon, brother.”

“No. We’re not,” Syd said pinning the lead singer with an icy glare. “I’m going to find Mia’s and Caris’s photos, then we’re going to hand the rest over to Reed and let him do his magic.”

I didn’t know who Reed was or what role he played in bringing Zattman down, but I made a mental note to ask Syd once we were alone.

“What if Reed needs all the photos?” Mia asked.

“He won’t, baby,” Ozzy soothed. “We have enough evidence now to put Zattman away forever.”

“Hopefully, another inmate will do the world a favor and shank his sick ass a couple thousand times,” Darren snarled.

The others mumbled in agreement. I took comfort in the fact that I wasn’t the only one who wished the demented prick dead. When the doors opened, the others held back, allowing Syd to lead me off first.

Mia sent me a supportive smile. “I’ll bring those pajamas by in a sec.”

“Thank you.”

“I’ll contact the hotel manager,” Darren said grimly.

“I guess that leaves me to call Quinn. We need to update him on what’s happened, without implicating ourselves, of course.” Burk turned toward Syd. “Call me when you’re ready to go through the photos. I’ll come down and help.”

The man’s tone brooked no argument. Syd didn’t offer any resistance, simply nodded and ushered me down the hall.

“I take it Burk’s in charge of you guys?”

Syd chuckled. “No, he’s just bossier than the rest of us.”

“Bossier than you?” I teased even though I was still hurt and angry with Syd.

I was tired of the hateful barbs rolling off my tongue. Tired of hosing down my emotions in ice. Tired of trying to guard myself and the feelings he resurrected within me. But Copyright 2016 - 2024