Rock Me Deep - Nora Flite Page 0,81


“You're the fucking bitch who's trying to steal our Drezden away!”

My world slowed down around me. It took a great effort to raise my chin and gape up at the contorted rage in the blonde's expression. “I don't—what?” Bitch? Stealing?

I could see the gums in her mouth; bloodless, drained in tight fury. “Yeah! That's you! It's all over the fan sites, pictures of you throwing yourself at him after the show last night! How dare you try that, isn't it selfish to take our Drezden away? Isn't it?”

My brain was struggling to keep up. When I stood, I did it with such patience I might as well have been facing a rabid dog. This girl had me cornered, she was unpredictable. “Who are you?”

Not answering me, the blonde dropped down out of view. I heard the 'beep' of a phone, the tell-tale clicking of someone typing furiously. “I'm letting my friends know I found you.”

In a surge of panic, I grappled for the lock on my changing room. The door bent outward, then mashed back into place as the girl shoved it closed. Together, we fought for what we both desperately desired. I need to get out of here! I thought wildly. If this crazy girl gets her crazier friends here, I don't want to imagine what they'll do to me!

Did they honestly think I had stolen Drezden from them?

“Let me out!” I shouted, unable to keep my fear from taking over. It sank like poison into my body, demanding I shove and kick and claw at the door. I was trapped, and every part of me felt the impending danger like it was a slow death. I'd been here before, pinned in a bathroom at school, mocked by girls who delighted in torturing me.

I couldn't do this again.

I wouldn't.

Slamming my shoulder on the door, I heard the girl's surprised squeak. But it wasn't me she was scared of. “Get away from there!” Brenda screamed, filling me with relief.

“You get away, you dumb fucking—hey!”

Instantly the changing room opened. Stumbling out, chest thrumming for air, I saw why. My manager had the blonde by the arms, pinning her on the floor with effort. Those chocolate eyes shot to me, bursting with worry. “Are you hurt, Lola? What did she do to you?”

The stranger bent her neck, glaring at me with unbridled hate. I met that look evenly, fighting to keep the waver out of my voice. “Nothing. She didn't do a thing to me.” The blonde struggled until Brenda pushed her back down. “She was calling her friends to tell them I'm here, though. I think we should leave.”

Understanding flashed across my manager's face. “Right.” Eyeing the empty changing area, she jumped to her feet and scrambled backwards. “Don't follow us, Blondie, or I'll get you charged with stalking. Lucky for you, I'm feeling strangely generous today.”

Generous? No, I realized, Brenda knows we don't have the time to get the police involved, we need to leave, and fast. It was hard for me to look away from the girl. She sat up, glaring directly at me over her shoulder. The fact she had no parting words left me tipping on the edge of panic. I would have preferred if she'd just said something to me.

Gripping my wrist, shoving her own sunglasses onto my face to hide me, Brenda yanked me back into the store. “Come on,” she hissed. "If that girl did call her friends, we need to move.”

Nodding quickly, I sped up to keep pace. In my skull, the hateful words kept blossoming up. You're that bitch. You stole him. My mouth tasted like pennies; I eased my teeth apart, knowing I'd opened the old tongue wound.

Through the mall we moved at one-step slower than a run. Every set of eyes, every face, terrified me. A group of girls by a fountain, a woman standing too near, everyone was a potential danger; a possible enemy out to harm me.

To be recognized in public was one thing, to be a source of disgust...

It wasn't something I had imagined while dreaming of becoming a rock star.

Outside, the cold air was a taste of freedom. I was pulling Brenda now, forcing her towards the car. I didn't let go until I was inside, the slamming of the door a great comfort. In the bubble of the vehicle, I heard my own heavy panting. “You alright?” she asked, keys jingling in the ignition.

My gaze roamed to those fingers of hers, her perfect nails. I'd Copyright 2016 - 2024