Road Trip with a Nerd - Stephanie Street Page 0,39

not new, because it felt familiar. It had just been missing for a long time. Three months to be exact. “Good, because I want you, too.”

I kissed her lips gently. “And Livvy?”

Mallory sighed. “I don’t hate her. But I realized after everything with Matt that I’d been holding onto relationships that aren’t good for me for the sake of familiarity and fear of change. Livvy was one of those. I took some time to look back and realize she hasn’t been my friend for a long time. Not really. I’ve spent some time talking to my parents. They convinced me to go talk to someone about healthy friendships and relationships and how to cope with change. It’s been good for me. It helped me come to terms with what happened with Livvy and Matt. It wasn’t my fault they betrayed me, but it is my fault that I didn’t recognize what was really going on in my relationships with them. Talking to someone about it, I’ve learned to look for signs so I’ll be able to recognize a toxic relationship or just when I need to stand up for myself.”

“I’m so glad to hear that.” Maybe it was a good thing we took a while to find each other again.

But I wasn’t leaving her again. At least, not without getting her phone number.

Chapter Sixteen


We’d become nearly inseparable. From the moment I laid eyes on Grant in the food court, I didn’t want to spend a single moment without him. I did my homework in his basement apartment at his parent’s farmhouse while he did whatever it was he did on his computer. He walked me to my classes on his days on campus, hanging around longer than necessary just to be with me.

We ate dinner with my parents. We watched movies on the television in my bedroom. And I’d never been happier.

I’d decided to stay home for another year instead of moving into the dorms so I could save money. I was glad I did. My parents offered to help me buy a car instead, and I felt good about giving myself more time to figure things out. I appreciated my parent’s patience with me and their understanding that not everyone was ready as soon as they turned eighteen to make every life decision.

Each day I felt better prepared to leave the nest. My relationship with Grant helped.

Speaking of Grant, he’d be by any moment to pick me up for our date.

“Is Grant on his way, honey?” my mom asked from the open doorway to my room.

Spinning around, I gave her my biggest, happiest smile. “He’ll be here any minute.”

Mom smiled softly, watching me. “You really like him.”

“I think I love him, Mom. He’s so amazing.” Maybe everyone wouldn’t think so, but I did. Grant was perfect for me. I was so giddy, so excited, I wasn’t even embarrassed to admit something like that to her.

“I’m happy for you,” she said, giving me a big hug just as the doorbell rang.

“That’s him!” I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and raced down the stairs. After throwing open the door, I threw myself into his arms.

“Hey,” he grunted with a smile.

“I missed you,” I said, kissing him quickly.

Grant laughed. “It’s only been a couple of hours since I dropped you off.”

“A couple of hours too long if you ask me. Let’s go.”

Grant smiled over my shoulder. “Hi, Mrs. Knight. Have a nice evening!” he had to yell that last part because I’d begun pulling him toward his truck. “Hey! You’re mom’s going to think I’m rude.”

“No, she’s going to think I’m rude. She loves you,” I told him as he opened the passenger side door of his truck from the outside, thanks to me scouring the internet for hours and hours to find one.

“Oh, she does, does she?” With his hands on my hips, Grant lifted me up to the newly upholstered seat, the soft leather smooth against my the backs of my thighs. “What about you? Do you love me?” His voice had deepened in this sexy way he had that made me melt.

“Yes.” I pressed my lips to his, unable to resist him. “Now, where are we going?” He hadn’t told me anything earlier. Just to be ready, and he’d pick me up at seven.

“It’s a secret.” He pressed his own quick kiss to my lips before closing the door and hurrying into the driver’s seat. The truck rumbled to life. I was glad I talked him Copyright 2016 - 2024