The Rivals - Dylan Allen Page 0,82

She fans herself. “It was so … If you weren’t my friend …” I give her a warning look and she winks.

“Shiiit. You need to spend some time in those Tinder streets and you’ll know how lucky you are,” she says.

“How’s Tinder?” I ask. “I’m sorry I’m talking about myself non-stop,” I apologize.

“You don’t need to apologize, there’s nothing to tell. I thought I met my soul mate, again. He showed up to our date in scrubs, told me he was a doctor and hadn’t had time to get home before our date.” She takes a long sip of her water.

“What kind of doctor?” I ask.

“The kind that also works the popcorn machine behind concession stand at Edward’s Theatre in Greenway Plaza,” she deadpans. I choke on the water in my throat. I cough and blow my nose and she just shrugs.

“It’s a jungle out there and you’re over here hanging out with Remington Wilde, Hayes Rivers, and complaining.”

“I’m not complaining,” I croak out when I’ve recovered from my fit of laughter.

“I just hope you won’t lump them together. Nigel and Hayes. They’re not the same,” she reiterates. Her expression is serious again.

“They’re not,” I admit. “I didn’t love Nigel. Without Hayes … I’m just going through my daily motions. But inside, I feel like I’m falling to pieces,” I confess.

“Oh, Confidence,” Cass sighs, her voice soft and sympathetic now.

“I don’t even know how it’s possible to feel like this after three months.” I put my face in my hands and groan. “And my family…”

“And I’m glad you’ve met someone who can help you so it doesn’t swallow you whole. You have so much on your plate. You do a lot for your mother,” she says. I frown at her.

“Of course I do. And I always will. It’s just me and her. She’s done so much for me. I owe her,” I remind her.

“But you also owe yourself,” she insists.

The waitress sails over, a huge tray on her shoulder and saves me from having to answer.



“Can I come in?” I force myself to ask Confidence when what I really want is to shove past her and ask her what the fuck she thinks she’s doing.

She stares at me, her hair hidden in the towel she’s fashioned into a turban on her head. The rest of her isn’t hidden at all. She’s got on a light pink bathrobe that clings to her in all the right places and rubs me in all the wrong ones.

“Why the hell are you answering the door half naked?” I demand.

She crosses her arms over her chest defensively and glares up at me. “Why are you banging on my door at ten o’clock at night?” she whispers furiously and glances down the empty hallways before she grabs my arm and tugs me forward. “Come inside. The last thing I need is a complaint for disturbing the peace.”

I step into her hotel room and turn to face her.

“Why are you answering the door wet and nearly naked, Tesoro?” I ask again, my anger at the sight of her surpassing the initial insult that brought me here.

“I am not naked. I was getting out of the shower when you started pounding on the door. I wanted to stop you before you woke up my neighbors.”

“You’re very concerned about your neighbors,” I look around the spare room of the extended stay hotel. “Why are you staying here anyway? Remi couldn’t have put you up here. He has a block of suites at the Ivy’s executive suites his firm uses for interviews.”

“First of all, how do I know I’m here, and that I’m here for Remi? Secondly—not that it is any of your business—he let me choose my hotel and they’re reimbursing me. This one is fine. And third, I’m concerned about my neighbors because I think the people right next door are a family who live here. I’ve seen them taking the kids to school every morning this week. They’re asleep. So, keep it down,” she scolds.

Of course, that’s why. She’s a fucking bleeding heart. It's why I love her.

“I’ll keep my voice down,” I concede right away. “And everything you do is my business. Because you are my business.”

She rolls her eyes but doesn’t say anything.

“Secondly, Remi’s a friend. But he didn’t tell me you were here. I ran into Gigi’s friend, Henny. Apparently, you’ve been pining over me in public,” I drawl and have to bite my lip to stop my smile when her nostrils flair.

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