The Rivals - Dylan Allen Page 0,449

night and the only reason I didn’t tell you then was because I thought I’d be home this morning, but then my—”

“But…you’re on the pill.”

“I stopped taking it.”


“The day you came home early from work. I didn’t know until then how much it meant to you.”

“But…your job.”

I hold my hands out in front of me, side by side, palms up. “My job.” I move my left hand up a few inches. “Our family.” I drop my right hand, mimicking a scale that’s had a heavy weight placed on it. “No contest.”

His eyes drop to my stomach and he lays one of his big, beautiful, elegant hands over my still flat abdomen “You’re pregnant?”

“Yes. It’s early, but almost 9 weeks according to my hormone levels.” I cover his hand and squeeze until he looks up at me again. “Are you happy?”

“Holy shit, are you kidding? I’m so happy I’m afraid....” His words trail off and he looks at me, but his dark eyes are dazed and unfocused.

“Remi?” I snap my fingers in front of his face and he doesn’t blink. I climb off his lap and crouch in front of him. “Babe are you okay?”

“I’m fine. I’m fine. Born ready…” he pants and his eyes flutter. And then, with the kind of grace he shows in everything else, Remington Wilde, faints.

Chapter 7


Adventure of Lifetime

"Did you see the story about that reporter who pleasured himself while he was on a video call with his colleagues? He thought his camera was off."

My mother's question in lieu of a greeting is bewildering and a little awkward.

I clear my throat. "Yes, I saw the story."

"Isn't he married?"

Despite my best attempt to hold it in, a laugh breaks loose. “What's that got to do with him masturbating?”

"Regan, don't say that word to me. I’m your mother."

“Just because you've decided your vagina is relic never to be used again doesn't change the fact that you have one, mother."

She kisses her teeth. "You, this girl. You have no respect. Is this the influence Stone has had on you?”

“Oh no, I’ve been sex crazed since puberty,” I deadpan.

“Regan. If you're going to talk like you were raised in a gutter. I'm hanging up."

I stifle my laughter and clear my throat. “I’m sorry. It’s just that Stone is in the shower and I’m sitting here imagining what he’s doing and it’s got me so—” The click on the other end cuts me off and fall over on my bed, howling with laughter as I return the phone to the cradle by bed.

I dismissed Bianca’s concerns last night, but I wish she was bringing someone today, too. Not just to show my father she’s moved on, but because I wish she’d find someone to make her feel good. She’s a catch — beautiful, whip smart, loyal as hell and loaded.

Men fall all over themselves for her, and she has never showed even a passing interest in anyone. It’s such a shame…and a waste. And I can’t imagine that it’s healthy to go that long without sex.

Lord knows, the ten days Stone was gone felt like an eternity and even though he fucked me good and hard last night, if I didn’t have to go help Confidence out this morning, I’d be joining him in the shower.

I lean against the bathroom door and feast my eyes on my gorgeous man as he rinses off.

Long rivulets of water cascade over the range of muscles of his chest and torso, tracing the lines that cut into his hips and sifting through the dark thatch of hair that sits like a crown on his beautiful- even in repose- cock, and then course down his strong, hairy thighs.

I can tell he kept up his ambitious workouts while he was away, but nearly two weeks of eating whatever he could cook in the kitchen of his extended stay hotel has left him a little leaner.

I'm glad I cooked yesterday, because after the work he put in last night, he’s bound to be ravenous this morning.

He turns the water off and I walk over to put the towel he’s blindly reaching for into his hand.

He smiles in surprise when he turns around to see me standing there. “I thought you'd be dressed and gone.”

"I'm about to be on my way. My mother called.”

He’s drying his hair and stops to look at me with concern. “She’s changed her mind about today?”

“No. She wanted to talk about that reporter who got fired for jacking off during his virtual office call. Copyright 2016 - 2024